Relative Motion
Graphing Motion
Projectile Motion
Circular Motion
A passenger on a train traveling at 15 m/s relative to Earth throws a baseball with a speed of 5 m/s in the direction opposite the motion of the train. What is the velocity of the baseball relative to Earth at it leaves the throwers hand?
What is 10 m/s (towards the front of the train)?
According to this graph object _________ is going the fastest.
What is What is section C-D?
This is indicated by the words rest and stop.
What is velocity is = 0?
The angle of an angled projectile that will go the farthest horizontal displacement.
What is a ball thrown up at a 45 degree angle?
The direction that velocity goes at any point in circular motion.
What is a tangent?
A person runs with a velocity of 3 m/s to the front of a large ship. If the ship is moving forward at 17 m/s, how fast is the person running when viewed by an observer on a nearby stationary submarine?
What is 20 m/s (forwards)?
According to this graph object(s) _______ is accelerating throughout the entire time of travel.
What is object C?
These are indicated by any object dropping or falling.
What are Vi=0 and a=-9.8 m/s^2?
The ball that will fall the fastest between one falling straight down and one going at a speed of 30 m/s horizontally at the same time that it is falling.
What is they both fall down and hit the ground at the same time? (Vertical and horizontal components of projectiles are independent of each other)
The directions that Centripetal Force and Centripetal Acceleration go.
What is both go towards the center of the circle?
You run at 4.0 m/s [East] while your friend is running 5.0 m/s [East]. This is your velocity with respect to your friend.
What is 1.0 m/s [West]?
Based on the graph, which section(s) have constant velocity? (i.e. section 1, 2, 3 or 4)
What are sections 1, 2, 3, and 4 (all of the sections)?
The formula used for: "A car driving on the turnpike accelerates uniformly in a straight line at 30 m/s to 50 m/s in 2 s. What is the car's acceleration?"
What is vf = vi + at ? ...or a = (Vf-Vi)/t?
The velocity and acceleration of the vertical component of any angular or horizontal projectile.
What is decreasing velocity (if going up) and increasing velocity (if going down) and acceleration of gravity of -9.8 m/s^2?
The only difference in the Ac and Fc formulas used in circular motion.
What is the mass (multiplied in the Fc formula)?
A car moves 30 m/s [East]. A truck moves 22 m/s [West]. This is the velocity of the truck relative to the car.
What is 52 m/s [West]?
According to the graph the object is going towards its starting location (going home) during this time interval.
What is 15 to 30 seconds? (the slope is negative)
The formula used for: "An airplane travels 280 m down the runway before taking off. Assuming that it has constant acceleration, if it start from rest and become airborne in 8.00s, how fast is it taking off?"
What is d = ½ (vi + vf)t ?
The velocity and acceleration of the horizontal component of a horizontal or angled projectile.
What are constant velocity and zero acceleration?
The Centripetal Acceleration of a 10 kg ball going 6 m/s in a 3 m radius.
What is 12 m/s^2? (there is no mass used in Ac)
A boat travels 4.0 m/s directly East across a river. The river has a current of 3.0 m/s [South]. This is the velocity of the boat relative to the ground.
What is 5.0 m/s [southeast]? (use Pythagorean Theorem 4^2 + 3^2 = c^2)
According to the graph the object has a constant speed in what section(s)?
What are sections 2 and 5?
The formula used for: "A brick is dropped from the roof of a building and strikes the ground in 2.50s (no air resistance). How tall is the building?"
What is d = vit + ½ at2 ?
A stone is thrown horizontally at 30 m/s from the top of a 10 m cliff. This is its horizontal displacement.
What is 42.9 m? (-10m = 1/2(-9.8)t^2 .... t=1.43 sec) (dx=30*1.43 = 42.9 m)
The radius of the circle of a 10 kg ball going 6 m/s with a centripetal acceleration of 3 m/s^2.
What is 12 m? (3 = 6^2 / r)