Speed and Velocity
Graphing Motion
When the distance between you and another object is changing, you are considered to be in __________.
What is motion
The total distance an object travels divided by total time it takes to travel that distance is equal to an object’s ________ speed, while an object’s _________ can be determined if you know its speed and direction.
What is Average; Velocity
The rate at which velocity changes over a certain period of time is called a(n) _____________.
What is acceleration
For the distance vs. time graph to the right, what is the independent variable (or manipulated variable)? What is the dependent variable (or responding variable)?
What is X-axis = Ind. Variable = Time in sec. Y-axis = Dep. Variable = Distance in meters
Suppose you are traveling in a plane at 240 m/s. The plane descends, lands, and comes to a stop in 2 minutes. What is the plane’s acceleration? Units are crucial for this problem.
What is 2 minutes = 120 seconds (0 m/s – 240 m/s)/120 seconds = -2 m/s/s
A person, place, or thing used to determine if an object is in motion is called a __________ point.
What is Reference
Which of the following is an example of an object traveling at a constant speed? A car going from rest to 60 mph. A speedboat slowing down from 30 to 15 mph. A person jogging at 6 mph for an hour straight.
What is A person jogging at 6 mph for an hour straight.
What are the 3 ways that an object can accelerate (either positively or negatively)?
What is Speed up, slow down, change direction
What happened between 0 and 1 second? What happened between 1 and 3 seconds?
What is No movement from 0 to 1s, then moved at a constant speed from 1-3s
When a force moves an object this is called?
What is work
Suppose you are bungee jumping off a bridge. Describe your motion relative to the ground and the bungee cord.
What is Ground- you are moving towards it (and then away from it) Bungee Cord- You’re not moving (distance isn’t changing).
Draw a speed-time graph showing an object speeding up.
What is Speed on the y-axis with time on the x-axis and a straight line going up and to the right.
If you measure an object’s velocity in meters per second, then what are the units for acceleration?
What is meters per second per second (m/s/s or m/s2)
What is the average speed of the object from 1 to 3 seconds?
What is 2 m/2 s = 1 m/s
The _______ of an object tells how much gravity pulls on it?
What is weight
Sketch a distance-time graph for an object that is NOT in motion, but is a certain distance from a reference point
What is A horizontal line above 0 on a distance-time graph.
On a distance-time graph, how do you tell the object that’s moving at a greater speed?
What is The object that corresponds to the steeper slope is moving faster.
Suppose you are jogging at 7 mph and after 20 minutes, you are jogging at 5 mph for the rest of the run. This is an example of a _____________.
What is Deceleration, because you slowed down
Describe the motion of the object from the velocity-time graph to the right. What is the average acceleration of the object for the entire 6 seconds?
What is The object is speeding up or accelerating at 2 m/s/s.
If you pushed a book across the top of your desk. You did_______.
What is work
Why do cops use their radar gun only when they are stationary?
What is If they didn’t stay still, your speed would seem slower than what it actually is.
What does a flat horizontal line on a SPEED-TIME graph indicate? So, is the object accelerating or decelerating? How do you know?
What is The object is moving at a constant speed, so its speed is not changing. Therefore, it has no acceleration or deceleration.
How do you determine the acceleration of an object by using a SPEED-TIME graph?
What is Determine the slope of the line = rise/run = speed/time
How far did the object travel in the last 4 seconds?
What is 4 m/s (the velocity for the last 4 sec.) x 4 s (the time) = 16 m
When you turn the handlebars of your bike you are applying a force that changes the bike’s _____________?
What is direction