The Laws
I like to move it move it
Grab bag
This is the law that goes with F = ma
What is Newton's Second Law of Motion?
The force that makes affects your weight.
What is gravity
What rate at which an object changes its position.
What is speed?
A piggy is pushing a box to the left with a force of 75 newtons (N). On the other side of the box there are two piggies pushing right each with a force of 35 newtons (N). What is the net force on the box and is the force balanced?
What is Net force = 5N to the left. The force is not balanced so, according to Newton's Second Law, the box will move in the direction of the force - to the left!
push or a pull
What is force
Equal and opposite reaction...
What is Newton's Third Law of Motion?
The force that eventually stops all moving objects
What is friction?
The units m/s/s measure this.
What is acceleration
You and a friend are pushing a car to the right. You are applying 108 N of force and your friend is applying 119 N of force. What is the net force applied to the car? Will the car move?
What is 227N is the net force. The car will move in the direction of the force (to the right)
property of matter that makes it resist change in its position.
What is inertia?
An object will accelerate in the direction of the force
What is Newton's Second Law of Motion
The type of friction that makes it hard for you to move an object that is standing still.
What is static friction?
If you know the direction and the speed you also know this.
What is velocity?
You are five minutes into a game of tug-of-war. Both teams are getting tired. Neither side is moving. What is the net force being applied to the rope?
What is 0. There is no movement when there is a net force of 0.
Is mass and weight the same thing?
Nope! Weight is a measure of how much gravity is pulling on you (it is a measure of force). Mass measures how much matter an object is made of.
This law is often referred to as the law of inertia. 100 bonus point if you can explain why.
What is Newton's First Law of Motion
This force is why the breaks on cars and bicycles work.
What is sliding friction
When something is slowing down it is doing this.
What is accelerating?
There are 4 people pulling on this years hottest Christmas item. They all want this toy and it is the last one available! Who will get the toy?
What is the person who applies the most force on the toy will get the toy. Objects accelerate in the direction of the force.
If you kick the flow what does the floor do to you?
Kick back with the same amount of force!
This is what happens when you break a law.
What is get arrested?
Can more than one force act on an object at one time? Explain.
Yes... answers will vary.
If I traveled 470 km in 18 hours what is my speed in meters/second?
What is 470km = 470,000m 18 hours = 64,800s Speed = Distance / Time 470,000m / 64,800s = 7.25 m/s speed = 7.24 m/s
If there is a 550g object free falling to earth how much force is acting on the object to pull it down?
F = ma m = 550g = .550kg a = 9.8 m/s/s .550kg x 9.8 m/s/s = 5.39 Newtons of force F = 5.39N