Newton's 1st Law
A push or a pull that acts on an object.
What is a force?
State Newton's first law.
What is "An object at rest will stay at rest and an object moving at a steady rate will continue in a straight line unless acted on by a force."
A stopping force.
What is friction?
This is needed in order to change the motion of an object.
What is a force?
Kicking a soccer ball is showing what type of force?
What is a push?
The tendency of an objcet to resist changing its state of motion.
What is inertia?
Increasing this increases the amount of inertia an object has.
What is mass?
The force that keeps us on Earth.
What is Gravity?
This affects how much the motion of an object will change.
What is the mass of the object?
When someone slams on the brakes in the car, your body moves forward. Why?
What is because of inertia? An object in motion wants to continue in motion.
A force that opposes the motion of one object moving past another.
What is friction?
A bowling ball will roll farther than a soccer ball on the same surface because...
What is "it has more mass and wants to stay in motion more." OR "It takes more force to stop it because it has more mass.
This is the direction that a force is needed in order to cause an object to speed up.
What is with the object? OR the same direction
These are the three ways that motion can be changed.
What is speeding up, slowing down, changing direction?
The space station is in orbit around the Earth because of gravity. What would happen to the space station if gravity disappeared?
What is it would go on in a straight line forever?
How fast the position of an object changes with time.
What is speed?
A raw egg has a liquid inside and shows the law of inertia by...
What is continuing to spin even after it has been touched and stopped. The liquid wants to continue moving.
Why is it easier to push a heavy box across a tile floor than it is to push the same box over a carpeted floor?
Because the carpet has more friction, and is working harder against the box, making it more difficult to move.
This is how increasing the amount of force applied to an object changes its motion.
What is, increasing the amount of force will cause the object to move farther and faster?
It is more difficult to get a semi to start moving than it is for a car. Why?
What is because a semi has more mass and wants to stay at rest more than the car?
The speed and direction an object is traveling.
What is velocity?
Give an example of the law of inertia other than ones in this game.
Answers will vary.
Imagine that we drop a bowling ball and a tennis ball at the same time from the same height. Which will hit the ground first? WHY?
They will hit at the same time because gravity pulls everything to the ground at the same speed regardless of mass.
Explain: Does it require more force to move an object with more or less mass?
It requires more force to move an object with more mass because it weighs more and is harder to move. It wants to stay at rest more than the object with less mass.
Explain how you can change the speed of a soccer ball rolling across the floor. Be sure to include the words: direction, motion, and force.
Answers will vary.