Vocabulary Part 2
Concepts Part 1
Concepts Part 2
Wild Card
What is the term used to describe the speed of an object in a certain direction?
action force
What is the force that you exert on an object at rest called?
The first law of motion says that an object at rest will remain at rest unless...
What is an outside force acts on it?
Do two skaters traveling in different directions at the same speed have the same velocity?
What is no, because the direction is different?
When a baseball player strikes a ball with a bat, the ball exerts a force on the bat. What is this an example of?
What is the second law of motion? Explanation: The second law of motion states that an object's acceleration depends on the size and the direction of the force acting on it and on the mass of the object.
What is the difficulty to stop an object?
What is the force that keeps a not moving object at rest?
According to the third law of motion, for every action there is...
What is an equal and opposite reaction?
A train traveling on a curved track at a constant speed is accelerating because...
What is the direction of the train is constantly changing?
If two people are at the airport, trying to get to their gate on time. They are walking at the same speed, but one takes the moving sidewalk, the other chooses to walk alongside. How can you tell the person on the moving sidewalk is in motion, even though they are standing still on the moving sidewalk?
What is his/her position? EXPLANATION: Their position is constantly changing, first they are at the front of the moving sidewalk, then they are different parts of the sidewalk until he/she gets off the moving sidewalk.
What is the location or place of an object?
reaction force
What is the force that an object exerts on you called?
When you observe an object, how do you know if it is moving?
What is its position changes?
The brakes on an adult bicycle must be stronger than the brakes on a child's bicycle because...
What is an adult rider will have more momentum?
If Earth pulls on a puppy with a force of 2 newtons, what amount of force does the puppy exert on the Earth?
What is exactly 2 newtons? EXPLANATION: all forces act in balanced pairs.
What is any change in speed or direction of an object?
What are the three ways we describe motion?
What is Speed Velocity Acceleration
Suzette keeps her schoolbooks in a basket on the handlebars of her bicycle. When she rides, why do the books seem NOT to be moving?
What is from her frame of reference, the books are stationary?
Inertia explains why...
What is people in a car move forward in their seats when the car stops quickly?
The Earth is in orbit around the Sun, and the moon is in orbit around the Earth. What would happen to the moon's orbit around the Earth if it lost its gravitational pull on the moon?
What is the moon would go out of orbit, either in toward the Earth or further away from the Earth.
What is the distance an object travels in a given period of time?
Momentum is
What is a measure of hard hard it is to slow down or stop an object?
If one car moves ahead of another car that is traveling in the same direction, do the cars have the same velocity?
What is no, the cars are traveling at different speeds?
If an equal force acts on each of the following objects, which will have the greatest acceleration? A golf ball, a football, a baseball, and a soccer ball.
What is a golf ball?
So if one car travels at the following speeds: 30 MPH, 45 MPH, 20 MPH in these directions: north, south, east And the second car travels at these speeds: 50 MPH, 30 MPH, 15 MPH in these directions: west, south, northeast In what combination could both cars be at the same velocity?
What is Car 1 30 MPH, South and Car 2 30 MPH, South?