Motion and Speed 1
Motion and Speed 2
Laws of Motion 1
Laws of Motion 2
Orbits and Inertia
A measure of the distance an object moves in a given amount of time.
What is speed
An object's place, or location
What is position
The force that pushes or pulls back.
What is reaction force
The force you exert on an object at rest
What is action force
The path one body in space takes as it revolves around another body.
What is an orbit
An object's speed in a particular direction
What is velocity
A change in motion caused by unbalanced forces or a change in velocity
What is acceleration
The property of matter that keeps it moving in a straight line or keeps it at rest.
What is inertia
States that an object at rest will remain at rest unless an outside force acts on it
What is the first law of motion
All objects in the universe are attracted to all other objects.
What is law of universal gravitation
A measure of how hard it is to slow down or stop an object
What is momentum
A change in position tells us that...
What is an object in motion
States that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
What is the third law of motion
States that an object's acceleration depends on the size and direction of the force acting on it and on the mass of the object
What is the second law of motion
The path of the moon if it and the Earth suddenly lost their gravitational attraction
What is in a straight line
For two objects to have the same velocity this has to happen
What is the same speed and same direction
If equal forces acts on each of the following objects, which will have the greatest acceleration: softball, football, ping pong ball, and volleyball
What is a ping pong ball
Created the three laws of motion
Who is Isaac Newton
When a moving object exerts a force on another object, the total momentum of the two objects remains the same. No momentum is produced, and none is lost
What is conservation of momentum
The path of the moon if its inertia suddenly decreased
What is falling towards the Earth
Addison is riding on the bus with her school books, the books do not seem to be moving. Why is this?
What is frame of reference to show objects as being stationary
The brake on an adult bike are stronger than the brakes on a child's bike
What is more momentum for the adult rider
The movement of objects on Earth and in space
What is the laws of motion
When a tennis ball player hits the ball, the ball exerts a force on the racket
What is the third law of motion
BONUS!!!!! The day of birth for Ms. Deven
What is March 21st