Stages of Change

A client has fallen back into his old behavior (poor eating habits) that he said he was going to change.

What is Relapse?


Team member avoids telling or directing a client on what to do.

What is Resist?


I understand you have concerns about your drinking.  Can you tell me about them?

What is Open-Ended Questions?


A client is thinking about change, but have not made any plans or done anything yet.

What is Contemplation?


At the home visit, the CHW allows the client time to voice their values, needs, abilities, motivations, and potential barriers to change before responding.

What is Listening (with empathy)?


It spells OARS if you combine the first letters of these words.

What are Open-Ended Questions, Affirmation, Reflective Listening, and Summarize?


A client is making progress towards her change. She is in a good routine and her HgbA1c is down by 4%.

What is Maintenance?


You are sitting with a client. You make sure to ensure that you are approaching the client's interests, concerns, and values using curiosity and open exploration. 

What is Understand the client's motivation?


If it is okay with you, just let me check that I understand everything that we've been discussing so far...

What are Summaries?


A client is making plans and talking about how he is going to change.

What is Preparation?


A client is not confident in seeing her Cardiologist due to elevated blood pressures. You teach the client on the importance and benefits of a follow up visit. Due to your instruction, the client was enabled to schedule an appointment with her Cardiologist.

What is Empower?


Involves rephrasing a statement to catch the implied (hinted) meaning and feeling of a client's statement

What is Reflection?


List all five Stages of Change in order.

What is Pre-Contemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance, Relapse?


The acronym R.U.L.E. stands for something, what is it? 

What is Resist, Understand, Listen, and Empower


You appear to have a lot of resourcefulness to have coped with these difficulties for the past few years.

What is Affirmation?