From the motivation video, the person cut from the basketball team, went home and locked himself in his room and cried.
Who is Michael Jordon?
Prize: candybar!
The person who devised the pyramid theory of needs.
Who is Abraham Maslow?
Prize: candybar!
People will be motivated to the extent to which they believe that their:
efforts --> good performance;
good performance --> rewarded;
offered attractive rewards.
What is the Expectancy Theory?
Prize: candybar!
From the motivation video, the person who was fired from a newspaper firm because he lacked imagination and had no original idea
Who is Walt Disney?
Prize: chips!
The theory that Frederick Herzberg is associated with
What is a Hygiene Theory?
Prize: chips!
The concept that states that "the value of each outcome" has different meanings to each individual.
What is valence?
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At Google, the person's "title" when they first start
with the company?
What is a Noogler?
Prize: Lottery scratcher ticket!
Identify one of the three aspects of McClelland's need theory.
What is
-Need for achievement
-Need for affiliation
-Need for power
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The basic concepts that make up the Expectancy Theory.
What is Performance-Outcome Expectancy, Effort-Performance Expectancy, and Valence?
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