MI Principles
Give one Buzz phrase for Change Talk.
What is
"I can"
"I need"
"I wish"
"I will"
"I am"?
It spells DARN when you combine the first letter of each word and is part of Change Talk.
What is Desire, Ability, Reason, Need?
It spells CAT when you combine the first letters of each word and is part of change talk.
What is Commitment, Activation, Taking Steps?
List one way to reinforce Change Talk
Either one is a correct answer:
What is:
Elaboration Questions,
Reflections, or Summaries?
List two ways to elicit Change Talk.
Any of these are correct:
What is Decisional Balance,
Goals/Values Exploration,
Importance/Confidence Ruler,
Creating discrepancies
Looking Back/Looking Forward, and Evocating Questions?