Asking Open Questions
Reflective Listening
What is OARS?
A way to preserve client's engagement.
What is avoiding traps?
Someone who is responsible for making change happen.
What is the client?
The client’s right to freedom in making their own choices and decisions; autonomy.
What is self-determination?
The acronym for CHANGE TALK
What is DARNCAT?
The correct alternative to "Did your doctor tell you to quit smoking?"
What is "What did your doctor tell you about the health risk of smoking?"
Or adjacent statements ;)
Tell me about your family.
How do you cope with anxiety?
Tell me about your concerns of this process.
What are examples of open ended questions?
The foundation of the counseling skills required for enhancing clients' motivation to change.
What is Motivational Interviewing?
Taking Step
What does DARNCAT stand for?
Client: I don't plan to quit drinking anytime soon.
Counselor: You don't think abstinence would work for you right now.
What is an example of simple reflection?
Go to slide 7.
What is shaming, ridiculing, or labeling or closed ended questions?
One consist of statements that does support change while the other does not.
Double Points if you can give an example of each!
What is the difference between change talk and sustain talk?
These are the elements (4) of the spirit of Motivational Interviewing
(HINT: Think PACE)
What is Partnership, Acceptance, Compassion, and Evocation?
Client: My husband always nags me about my drinking and calls me an alcoholic. It bugs me.
Counselor: Although your husband expresses it in a way that frustrates you, he really cares and is concerned about the drinking.
What is an example of reframing?
This is an example of evoking change talk through desire.
[Give an example of Desire]
Their aim is to facilitate the attainment of goals or respond to a mandate in the case of involuntary clients.
What is the change-oriented approach?
These are the categories (2) of Reflective Listening Responses.
Double Points if you can name at least one type in each category!
What is SIMPLE (Repeat, Rephrase) and COMPLEX (Feeling, Meaning, Double-Sided, Amplified)
When you tell your client "I've been working with addicts for over 10 years, I know that treatment is the only thing that will work for you."
What is authoritarian, ordering, or non-collaborative?
Go to slide 8.
What is reflective listening and open-ended questions?
To choose an intervention that makes sense to both you and the client and is also relevant to the client’s situation.
What is the purpose of planning goal attainment strategies?