This non-construction road vehicle had two color variants produced, with only one of the variants being carried over to the HiT Toys TrackMaster range.
In Europe, the range was manufactured by TOMY, and was funded by the HiT Toy Company, until the licenses for the range as a whole were picked up by which company near the end of 2009?
This item is one of the only road vehicles to have both motorized and free wheeling versions.
The engines in this range were powered by two of these types of batteries, which is the reason why they are, on top of a new motor, faster than their previous counterparts.
AAA batteries.
This was the year that this range received a re-design that made way for items from the reboot.
Of the seven Talk 'N' Action models produced overall, only three of them saw international releases. Which three engines were they? (Bonus: which languages were they released in? 50 points)
Thomas, Percy and James (Bonus: American, British, and Japanese)
This item was reportedly cancelled because HiT Toys could not determine a piece of rolling stock that would fit with the model.
On the back of the box for this set released in 2010, two of the characters are misnamed.
This item was to be a Greatest Moments pack in 2014, but was cancelled, and another Greatest Moments pack took its place. The only source that showed this item was to be released was an Amazon Canada listing. (Bonus: This character was first introduced in "Tale of the Brave". 50 points)
This set was based on an episode of the twenty-fourth series, but included Thomas instead of which character? (Bonus: The character was a former member of the Steam Team during the HiT Era. 50 points)
The prototype version of this item features Annie and Clarabel with their original faces, before being changed later on. (Bonus: Two variants of this item with different paint styles were produced. 50 points)
Sound Steam/Steam Along Thomas (Metallic and Regular)
This item has a completely different mold with minor changes, when compared to its TV Series counterpart. Additionally, the character has a very similar body style to another character.
In 2011, This Fisher Price TrackMaster set was released as a Toys "R" Us online exclusive set, and included two extra engines, some extra track, and one additional scenery piece.
Cranky and Flynn Save the Day! Deluxe Set
This item later had a Big Friends release in this range, but was first initially released through the Hyper Glow line in 2018. (Bonus: This character was first introduced in "The Great Race". 50 points)
This item was originally released with two coaches in his Greatest Moments pack, but was later released with one in his Big Friends release.
The Japanese release of this item was sold as a destination. The rest of the track to make the international layout was available as a separate pack, which could be used alone or in combination with this item.
Giant Thomas
There have been several characters of this item type that have this mechanism, controlled by pedals underneath the locomotive. Can you name them all? (Bonus: There were two cancelled releases of this item type. 50 points)
Thomas (R/C and Talking), James (Regular and Talking), Toby and Hiro. (Bonus: Percy and Gordon)
This item was to be a Greatest Moments pack in 2013, but was cancelled. The only source that showed this item was to be released was an Amazon Australia listing. (Bonus: This character was introduced in "King of the Railway" 50 points)
Outside of the Plarail range in Europe, this item was only released in a set in May of 2016, along with Racing Percy, and was the only way to obtain the item in this range.
Streamlined Thomas
This item was a character initially released in the Hyper Glow line, BUT, was also the only road vehicle to be released in this range as a whole. (Bonus: This character first appeared in the "Hero of the Rails". 50 points)
This item was available as a prize for a lottery entered at the Plarail "Thomas Fair" in 1997. Additionally, it is packaged in the same box as a standard 1995-1998 Thomas.
Golden Thomas
This item had only 400 units produced between April and July of 2008, and is considered to be the 4th rarest motorized Thomas item overall.
This item was only released in three countries, making it one of the only items not to be released worldwide, as well as the second Sodor Construction Company vehicle to not have a widespread release in any TrackMaster range.
This set only works with small engines (excluding Hugo), which also includes removing a tender from a large engine. Additonally, this is the largest TrackMaster set to date. (Bonus: This set is based off of which movie? 50 points)
Sky-High Bridge Jump