What decade was Motown located in Detroit?
This artist was blind and started at age 11
Stevie Wonder
True/False: Motown songs were long and complex
False: They were short
True/False: Motown artists wore unique clothing from each other
False: Artists matched their clothing to each other generally
My Girl
The Temptations
Henry Ford's Assembly Line
This artist became known as the "King of Pop"
Michael Jackson
True/False: Motown music is considered the genre "Soul" music
True: The vast majority of artists are Soul musicians
True/False: Male singers for Motown kept their hair short and nicely combed
True: Male singers had short, combed hair
Stevie Wonder
What does segregation mean?
To separate a group of people based on the colour of their skin
This group sang "Mr. Postman"
The Marvelettes
True/False: Motown music generally has more than one singer
True: There is often a main singer and several backup singers
How many members were there in Motown groups?
Anywhere from 3-5 was the common size of each band.
Barrett Strong
Berry Gordie Jr. had difficulty getting a bank loan for his record label. Where did he get his loan from?
His parents
Who's earned fame with songs "What's Going On" or "Ain't No Mountain High Enough"
Marvin Gaye
True/False: Motown music was the first to use the "guitar solo"
False: There was not a lot of instrument solos in Motown music.
Where did Motown singers usually come from?
Detroit or the surrounding area.
I'll Be There
Jackson 5 (Michale Jackson)
Why was Motown important for Black musicians?
The record label helped Black musicians earn money and radio play of their music
This singer was part of a group called "The Supremes"
Diana Ross
True/False: Motown groups all used the same group to record their music
True: The Funk Brothers played most of the recordings through the 1960s
True/False: Motown musicians often wore hats to help them stand out.
False: Musicians wore carefully styled hair without hats so they would look "presentable" to all audiences
Heard It Through The Grape Vine
Marvin Gaye