Primative but true
Seeing & Hearing
Timeless Characters
This device allowed one person to watch motion pictures while looking down into a cabinet.
What is a Kinetoscope.
This movie is credited as the first talking movie.
What is the Jazz Singer ?
This actors face and trademark walk-waddle made him famous in silent movies, but was blacklisted in the 1950s.
Who was Charlie Chaplin ?
This was the light source for the first movie projectors.
What is a candle or oil lamp ?
This producer moved into the spotlight with a movie about a beach, a boat and a beast that rejuvenated movie making in the 70s.
Who is Steven Spielberg ?
This animated classic took almost 10 years to create before it was released in 1959.
What is Sleeping Beauty ?
The Golden Age of Hollywood is a term given to this range of years.
What is the period from 1927 to the late 1940s.
This CHARACTER brought the actor the highest paycheck for a single film.
Who is the Joker ?
These hugely successful movies show the improvements in special effects over 20 years, as the entire story was revealed in backwards order.
What is Star Wars ?
Cimino's hugely expensive epic movie contributed to United Artists studio going bankrupt. What was the movie?
What is Heavens Gate ?
Many early movies were filmed as if they were presented in this building. Camera techniques had not evolved to "think outside" this location.
What is the Theater Stage ?
This classic movie brought the first Academy Award to a African American supporting actress.
What is Gone With the Wind.
Katherine Hepburn was know for her work with this leading man, who would go on to star in 36 films between 1936 and 1942.
Who is Humphrey Bogart ?
The Great Train Robbery demonstrated different perspectives of the story and brought the story location to the viewers by doing this.
What is moving the camera around to different locations, or moving the camera out of the theater ?
This early movie maker pioneered the art of the special effects, using large stage set ups, elaborate props and such to show a trip to the moon.
Who is Georges Melies ?
The Great Train Robbery demonstrated that THIS is the basic unit of the movie story.
What is the shot ?
The biggest box office draw of the 1930s.
Who is Shirley Temple?
James Cagney played in Yankee Doodle Dandy, a movie that helped create support for our participation in this world event.
What is World War 2 ?
Movies moved off the big screen into homes thanks in large part to this new age technology that brings high definition video into the home on small discs.
What are Blue Ray discs ?
This famous DIRECTOR made a series of movies that looks at the underworld of gangsters and the MAFIA.
Who is Francis Ford Coppola ?
Some early movie critics believed that this new addition would destroy the international language of film by making films only work for specific countries.
What is sound ?
When sound was added to movies, it moved the viewers attention from the slapstick, physical comedy to what part of the movie experience ?
What is dialogue or the script ?
This 1950s film demonstrated how the movie industry reflected the paranoia that was present in the US, with a story about invading aliens.
What was War of the Worlds ?
These devices now capture such high quality video that the demand for regular camcorders has been reduced.
What are cell phones ?
Bowling for Columbine, March of the Penguins and Voices of Iraq are demonstrations of this movie style. What is the name of this style of movie?
What are Documentaries ?