Famous Faces
Wild Card
This decade was known for the happy days image of a family with 2.5 kids, husband, wife, house and career.
What was the 1950s.
A war that was never directly fought. It was the nervous stand-off between two super powers that created popular spy movies, alien invasions and international espionage.
What was the Cold War?
He was the King of Rock and Roll, making headlines in concerts and movies. Often duplicated even today.
Who was Elvis Presley?
This technology moved entertainment off of the movie screens for the first time and into the happy family homes. More people stayed home to watch.
What the television ?
A name given to the movies that have a big budget to make and are backed by a wide spread marketing campaign.
What is a Blockbuster ?
Audrey is a famous character in a funky story about a carnivorous plant.
What was Little Shop of Horrors ?
This conflict did not have movies made about it when it was happening. It took a decade before we could bring ourselves to look at these war stories.
What was the Vietnam War?
This man is the model for all other cowboys to follow. His body of work stretches over 3 decades.
Who was John Wayne?
This was a large disc that came out in the 70s for movies that had good images but was so big that it never became popular.
What is the Laser Disc ?
This movie was a huge project that cost $44 million to make and only brought in $3 million at the box office. In fact is contributed to the bankruptcy of a major movie studio.
What was Heaven's Gate ?
This decade is associated with the "Sequel", creating several movies that continued the original storyline. (Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Rocky)
What was the 1980s ?
Movie footage was very important in the investigation of this tragic event, which changed the way the president travels today.
What was the assassination of President Kennedy?
This actress rose to fame in the 1960s with films such as Barbarella and Cat Ballou and even a line of popular exercise videos. She has won two Academy Awards, an Emmy Award and seven Golden Globe Awards.
Who is Jane Fonda?
This is a standard for audio reproduction, created so that the movie theaters had sound that was as good as possible.
What is THX ?
Arnold was a character in this set of movies that wasn't expected to be a successful. More alien invasions.
What is The Terminator ?
This movie propelled James Dean into the movies and brought some uncomfortable ideas to the screen about the troubled relations between parents and kids.
What was Rebel Without A Cause ?
This movie was both a comedy and a serious drama about the medical core in the Korean Conflict that won many movie awards and created a very successful TV series.
What was M.A.S.H. ?
This man is the classic James Bond, setting the classic British accent and mannerisms.
Who is Sean Connery?
This series of movies told a story in a backwards sequence and won numerous awards for special effects and story.
What is Star Wars ?
This is wonderful movie that describes some of the dark history behind one of the most famous classical music composers.
What was Amadeus ?
This is the idea that movies help to reveal our past and present through stories, song and images. Looking at the movies of a particular decade is visual history. You can say that ____________ reflect the _____________.
What is movies reflect the culture ?
Patton was a general that shaped the outcome of WW2. Who was the actor that played his character?
Who was George C Scott ?
This man made the most money for his role in a major motion picture ($6 million).
Who is Jack Nickelson?
This technology allowed moving images to be recorded to magnetic tape instead of picture film. Easier to film, edit and share over the airwaves.
What is Video Tape ?
This musical portrayed the battle between rival gangs, the transcendence of love and the gritty life of the inner city in New York in the 1950s.
What was West Side Story ?