Was Yoda Almost played my a monkey?
Yoda, who made his “Star Wars” debut in “Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back,” was almost played by a monkey wearing a mask, according to Reader’s Digest Asia. Crew members realized early on that the monkey wasn’t the right actor to play Yoda.
“Look, the monkey’s just going to pull off the mask over and over again. It’s never going to work,” said a “Star Wars” crew member, per Reader’s Digest Asia.
The Yoda puppet was built by British make-up artist Stuart Freeborn and voiced by the “Muppets” veteran Frank Oz, per CBR.
My favorite Movie?
Deathly Hallows Part 2
Did the leg lamp have a cord?
What was 1999s most popular movie?
Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
What was the first Star Wars movie released?
Episode Four: A New Hope
Bonus Points for what year
First Book
Hint: They Changed The Name In The US
Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone
Does Ralphie know how to spell christmas?
He gets a C+ and his teacher doesn't notice that he spelled Christmas wrong
What was 2010s most popular movie?
Toy Story 3
First Movie
Who plays Luke Skywalker?
Mark Hamill
Who are Harry Potter's closest friends?
Ron and Hermione
What does Ralphie claim when fantasized about his parents feeling sorry?
That he was blind from soap poisoning
What was 2001s most popular movie?
Harry Potter And The Sorcerers Stone
Was Vader Portrayed by more than one person?
Yes: Bonus Points if you can guess how many
What Movie Made The Most Money?
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Pt. 2
How much money?
Can you stay at the Parker Family House?
In 2004, the house from the movie was auctioned off on eBay for $150,000. The new owners restored the house, built a museum across the street and auction off a two-night stay during the most wonderful time of the year. All money from the auction goes to A Christmas Story House Foundation, a non-profit to preserve this landmark and the surrounding neighborhood.
What was the most popular movie from 1981?
Raider Of The Lost Ark
Does R2D2 swear?
He certainly is a foul-mouthed little astromech”. What's even funnier than the fact that R2-D2 is apparently just cursing-up a storm throughout the kid-friendly Star Wars movies–as confirmed in this issue–is that this isn't the first time Star Wars has done this.
What is Harry Potter's Wand made from?
Holly with a Phoenix feather core
How many leg lamps were made for the movie?
3 leg lamps
What was the most popular movie in 1915?
The Birth Of The Nation
Harry Potter
1.34 Billion