General Movies (Very Difficult)
Contemporary Movies (Post 2000)
Classic Movies
(Pre 2000)
Animated Movies
Superhero Movies

A barn owl is one of the forms of Jareth the Goblin King in this 1986 fantasy film.

What is Labyrinth?


This film was released in 2021 and was directed by Denis Villeneuve.

What is Dune?


This movie was released in 1990 and follows a boy who is accidentally abandoned in his house by his family.

What is Home Alone?


This Pixar movie directed by Brad Bird features a family of Superheros.

What is The Incredibles?


In Avengers: Infinity War, these many different Infinity Stones are featured.

What is 6?


This 1986 movie stars Anthony Michael Hall, Emilio Estevez, Ally Sheedy, Molly Ringwald, and Judd Nelson as a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess, and a criminal.

What is The Breakfast Club?


This 2002 Disney animated film is a sci-fi adaptation of one of Robert Louis Stevenson's most famous adventure novels. (Name the movie, not the book)

What is Treasure Planet?


James Earl Jones said he only made $7,000 for his role as this character in “Star Wars: A New Hope”

Darth Vader


Known for his distinctive bald-on-top, hair-on-the-sides hairstyle, this evil wizard is the main antagonist of the Smurfs in the cartoons and movies.

What is Gargamel


As of 2024, there are these many Avengers movies.

What is 4?


This classic Beatles song was belted out by Matthew Broderick in the famous parade float scene in the 1986 movie "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"

Twist & Shout


Winner of three Oscars, including Best Picture, this 2021 film's title refers to people whose parents are Deaf.

What is CODA?


This mystical goblet appears in the title of a 1975 Monty Python movie.

(The) Holy Grail.


The only dwarf in Snow White whose name doesn't include any of the letters in "Snow White."



Ryan Coogler directed this 2018 Marvel film starring Chadwick Boseman

What is Black Panther?


Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt star as tornado chasers in the 1996 film "Twister", set in this state known, also called the "Sooner State"



This movie stars Ben Mendelsohn, Simon Pegg, T.J. Miller, and is directed by Steven Spielberg

What is Ready Player One?


The 1994 action movie "Speed", starring Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock, featured a bus rigged with a bomb that would explode if the bus dropped below ____ MPH

What is 50?


In the 2018 Wes Anderson animated film "Isle of Dogs," the dogs speak English, whereas the humans, for the most part, speak this language.

What is Japanese?


Despite being named "Endgame", it was not in fact the final film in Marvel's "Phase Three" of MCU films. What was?

Spider-Man: Far From Home.


These are some of the nicknames of the military bros in the 1986 film Top Gun. (Name at least 4)

What is Maverick, Goose, Iceman, Slider, Viper, Jester, Cougar, Merlin, Wolfman, Hollywood and Sundown?


This 2014 movie features an aspiring drummer, dealing with his abusive music instructor.

What is Whiplash?


This movie stars Michael J. Fox and is directed by Robert Zemeckis. It is also the first movie in a trilogy.

What is Back to The Future?


The first animated movie to win an Oscar for Best Animated Feature.

What is Shrek?


Three actors that have played Batman

Who is Adam West, Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Kevin Conroy, Christian Bale, Robert Pattinson, Ben Afflek