Toy Story
In "Toy Story 3", what kind of doll is Lotso?
A bear
Princess's name that has the power of ice
His biggest complaint about his wanted posters
The nose
What phrase does Moana say when she realizes that she has to return the heart of Te Fiti.
"I am Moana"
Cowboy Girl's name discovered in Toy Story 2
Woody and Buzz Lightyear met two stuffed animals at a carnival game. What were they?
Bunny and Duck
Name of Episode when Bluey has to keep a balloon from touching the ground
Keepy Uppy
Flynn Rider's real name
The name of Rapunzel's pet chameleon
Name of the doll with the broken voice box that lived at Second Chance Antiques in Toy Story 4
The name of the pub where Flynn takes Rapunzel
The Snuggly Duckling