Famous Movies
Science FIction Movies

Comic Book Movies
Horror Movies
Detective Movies

This 2019 movie is based upon the life a host for a famous children's TV program on public television and refers to its theme song.

What is "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood"?


This famous sci-fi movie directed by George Lucas from 1977 started a series of trilogies. 

What is "Star Wars"?


This 2012 Marvel Comics film features a team of superheroes seeking to stop an alien invasion.

What is "The Avengers"?


This 2019 film stars Lupita Nyong'o and is about a group of dopplegangers attacking a family.

What is "Us"?


Robert Downey Jr. played this famous detective in the film with the same name in 2009.

What is "Sherlocke Holmes"?


This classic movie from 1939 is the first movie to have been made in color and was based based upon a children's book by L. Frank Baum.

What is the "Wizard of Oz"?


This movie was based upon a TV series from the late 1960s that ran for three seasons about the adventures of a space craft that explored the galaxy.

What is "Star Trek: The Motion Picture"?


This 1989 superhero movie starred Michael Keaton and was directed by Tim Burton.

What is "Batman"?

This 1984 movie about an adolescent serial killer stars Robert Englund.

What is "Nightmare on Elm Street"?


This 2017 mystery thriller film directed by Kenneth is based on the 1934 novel of the same name by Agatha Christie.

What is "Murder on the Orient Express"?


This was the first Disney film ever made in 1938 based a tale by Brothers Grimm published it in 1812 and features the first Disney Princess.

What is "Snow White"?


This 1956 film about a group of human explorers on a planet where life and a civilization were destroyed starred Leslie Neilson and introduced Robbie the Robot.

What is "Forbidden Planet"?


This 2017 DC superhero movie starred Gal Gadot and was directed by Patty Jenkins.

What is "Wonder Woman"?


The title of this 1996 film describes what one may do vocally when scared.

What is "Scream"?


This 2007 American mystery comedy film loosely based on the popular series of mystery novels about the titular teen detective of the same name by Edward Stratemeyer.

What is "Nancy Drew"?


This 1986 musical film starring David Bowie and Jennifer Connelly largely takes place in a giant maze with lots of puppets.

What is "Labyrinth"?


This 1986 sequel from a 1977 movie depicts a colony of humans that were wiped out by carnivorous and dangerous alien monsters staring Sigourney Weaver.

What is "Aliens"?


This 2002 MCU superhero movie starred Tobey MacGuire and was directed by Sam Raimi.

What is "Spiderman"?


This corpse-machine hybrid was been in many movies and is from the novel by Mary Shelley in 1818.

What is "Frankenstein"?


This 1941 mystery film starring Humprey Bogart whose title refers to a Mediterrenean island about a statue.

What is "The Maltese Falcon"?


This famous movie from 1942 took place in a North African country and is named after a local town whose name in Spanish means "white house."

What is "Casa Blanca"?


The alien invasion movie from 1953 is based upon a book by H.G. Wells.

What is "War of the Worlds?"


This 1978 DC superhero movie starred Chistopher Reeve and was directed by Richard Donner.

What is "Superman"?


This famous vampire has been in numerous films from a Bram Stoker novel in 1897.

What is "Dracula"?


This 1939 detective film stars Basil Rathbone as the first in a series.

What is "The Adventures of Sherlocke Holmes"?