Apollo 13
Apollo 13
The Martian
a year in space
Episode #3 Landing the Eagle

What was the name of the 1st lunar module to land on the moon?

Apollo 11. 


What does LM stand for?

Lunar Module


Why would NASA decide to send a botanist on a mission to Mars? 

they wouldn't be able to bring all the food so they wanted to bring someone to grow food. 


What are the physical challenges that long duration weightlessness / spaceflight explorers should be prepared for? 

- Bone loss

- Musical loss

- Not feeling normal


The crew of Apollo 1 was killed during a training simulation. How did NASA respond to the situation?

they admitted for them being responsible.


Who was the commander of the 1st space ship to land on the moon?  

Neil Armstrong


What does CM stand for?

command module.


 Exactly how long has Mark Watney been alone on Mars during the course of the movie?

560 days.


What are some of the mental challenges a long duration space mission may involve? 

  1.  Communication with family

  2.  Conflicts in space

  3.  Missing weather


Neil Armstrong said that during training for the Apollo 11 mission he was introduced to basic geology training. He also said that this part of the training felt like it was for show and for the cameras. Why did he feel this way?

because it dint feel real.


According to the movie Apollo 13, who was the original commander of Apollo 13?  

James Lovell


An hour and a half after the "bang", Mission Control Center notified the crew that "we're starting to think about the lifeboat". What was the "lifeboat"?

After an explosion damaged the service module, the Apollo 13 astronauts had to use the lunar module as a "lifeboat" to get home. Systems in the lunar module had to be rigged to make it possible to get the men back to Earth. Hoses were connected to various apparatus to make the trip home possible.Apr 11, 2020


If the MAV could be blown over by a storm of sufficient force, wasn't it very risky dropping the Ares IV Mav five years in advance of the mission?



How can astronauts and people on Earth help astronauts work with these mental difficulties?

  1.  Phone calls

  2.  Making it work

  3.  Changing perspective


Why is the placement of the American flag on the moon significant?

it represents the engineering that they had to do and it wasn't an easy job.


The first missions to the moon (Apollo's 11 and 12) were broadcast all the time on T.V. Until the accident, Apollo 13 was not televised much. Why?

it wasn't new or exciting


The Apollo 13 mission was described as a "successful failure". Why?

they where able to make it to the moon with oxygen tanks exploding, and having less power.


In the movie, the stripped down capsule that Mark is in tumbles uncontrollably through space. Admittedly it was a non-standard launch, but since this was the standard return vehicle, how was it intended to rendezvous/dock with the mothership? 

had to have a low mars orbit rod new view. 


There are many technological issues that a mission would have to deal with.  What are 3 concerns mission planners have with technology?

  1.  Difference of work

  2. Problems after in air

  3. Having things it the space ship 


When Bill Andres of Apollo 9 First saw images of our planet from the moon he said, “We came to discover the moon, but we were discovering the Earth.” Explain what is meant by this quote.

they where just learning about the earth but now they had a moon to learn about.


What event led to the explosion on the command module? (What was Jim Swigert doing when the explosion occurred?

The Apollo 13 malfunction was caused by an explosion and rupture of oxygen tank no. 2 in the service module. The explosion ruptured a line or damaged a valve in the no. 1 oxygen tank, causing it to lose oxygen rapidly.Dec 12, 2016


The "lifeboat" that the three astronauts used to survive in on their way back to Earth, was only designed for two astronauts. Because of this, a problem developed that required NASA engineers to come up with a unique solution. What was the life threatening problem that developed?

not enough room or oxygen


Is it realistic that Mars vehicles like Mark's rover or in some scenes his handcart would use rubber tires? Explain.

no, the tires might deflate, the pressure my change in the rocks. 


How should they be prepared for the 3 or other challenges?

  1. Working out

  2. Hygiene 

  3. eating


Neil Armstrong’s famous words, “This is one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,” are legendary. Why is this saying famous? Where else have you heard these words?

because they did a small thing that will now help the next people do explore more.