Movies to Actors
2000s Movies
1980s Movies
1990s Movies
2020s Movies

Fast & Furious, Jumanji, The Mummy, Red Notice

Dwayne "THE ROCK" Johnson


A Roman General who is supposed to become emperor. But the crooked son kills his family and the general becomes a __________



A high school kid is helping a doctor with a time machine. But when the doctor gets killed, the kid heads back to the era where his parents first met. 

Back to the Future

A computer hacker is sent to a world where nothing is what it seems

The Matrix


When his identity is revealed, a teenager must go to a doctor of witchcraft where they accidently break open the multiverse

Spider Man No Way Home


The Terminator, Predator, Kindergarten Cop, Batman & Robin

Arnold Schwarzenegger


A boyfriend heads to his girlfriend's parents house to a wedding. But her father is not who he thinks he is

Meet the Parents


A team of scientists create a supernatural organization to help take down ghosts in New York



A group of paleontologists and a math professor are sent to a theme park near Isla Nublar but everything there turns into them saving their lives

Jurassic Park


A non-player-character bank teller puts on a pair of glasses and realizes he is in a video game that would shut down in a few days so he decides to save the "world"

Free Guy


The Departed, Gangs of New York, Inception, Blood Diamond

Leonardo DiCaprio


Two people get married and live together peacefully for 5 or 6 years but they are both assassins. None of them know the other is one until one operation leads to them killing each other

Mr & Mrs. Smith


An archaeologist must head to Nepal, to meet his former wife whose father has the key to the Ark of the Covenant

Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark)

A police officer must become a part of a secret operation where they must take down aliens

Men in Black


A street thief must team up with an explorer to find Ferdinand Magellan treasure which is worth $6 billion dollars



Collateral, War of the Worlds, The Last Samurai, A Few Good Men

Tom Cruise


A taxi cab driver must take a realtor to 5 different locations and an airport. But the driver finds out that the realtor is a hitman and one wrong move he is dead. 



A vigilante who fights a villain that fell into a vat of chemicals and becomes psychotic



When a satellite falls into the hands of an former MI6 agent, the famous "shaken not stirred" man must go and save the planet

James Bond (Goldeneye)


When their home gets evicted, a mom and two kids must move to Summerville where supernatural activities are happening that lead back to New York in 1984.

Ghostbusters Afterlife


The Untouchables, The Rock, Indiana Jones, The Hunt for Red October

Sean Connery


A climatologist ignored by officials is proven right when NY is frozen over. Now he must take the trip to go save his son

The Day After Tomorrow


A high school kid from Jersey gets picked on by the Encino kids and a janitor decides to teach the kid karate

The Karate Kid


A doctor is wrongly accused for his wife's murder, and gets put in prison for it. When the bus crashes and he escapes, he becomes a #1 _____________

The Fugitive

An agent must team up with a thief to take down the Bishop but INTERPOL is on their trail. 

Red Notice