Apollo 13
The Martian
Hidden Figures

What was the name of the 1st lunar module to land on the moon?



If the MAV could be blown over by a storm of sufficient force, wasn't it very risky dropping the Ares IV Mav five years in advance of the mission?

The Mars Ascent Vehicle is a critical mission element of the Mars Sample Return campaign that delivers the Martian sample from Mars surface to orbit for rendezvous with retrieving spacecraft and sample return to earth.


What happened to Sandra Bullocks daughter in Gravity?

In this case, it's Bullock's character and her daughter who accidentally died while playing tag at school


What is the main problem in Hidden Figures?

It illustrates the determination and perseverance needed to overcome racist and misogynistic attitudes. The movie highlights the extensive struggles that Katherine, Dorothy and Mary face in a world where inequality is the norm.


What year is it at the beginning of Interstellar?



Who was the commander of the 1st space ship to land on the moon?

Commander Neil Armstrong


Exactly how long has Mark Watney been alone on Mars during the course of the movie?

Watney pierces his pressure suit, using the escaping air to propel himself to Lewis, ending his 543 sols alone on Mars.


Is Gravity movie scientifically accurate?

The film is very scientifically accurate; even down to the star patterns in space, some liberties were made to sustain the story, leading to some minor yet rather glaring inaccuracies.


What happens to Mary before they test a capsule?

Her heel gets stuck in a vent grate during the test.


Why don't MRIs exist anymore in Interstellar?

The society depicted in Interstellar is no longer technological enough to support them.


According to the movie Apollo 13, who was the original commander of Apollo 13?

Jim Lovell


Is it realistic that Mars vehicles like Mark's rover or in some scenes his handcart would use rubber tires? Explain.

It would form of dents and small holes in the wheels'


Why did George Clooney have to let go in Gravity?

Clooney had to let go to save Bullock.


What is the most important message in Hidden Figures?

Powerful Mentors Matter.

The Power of Teamwork.

Women Advocating for Women.

Pushing to Advocate for Yourself.


What caused the blight in Interstellar?

Blight could either be bacteria or fungi, however in both versions of the film.


Command module pilot Ken Mattingly was replaced by John L."Jack" Swigert Jr just days before the mission began. Why was Mattingly replaced?

Mattingly had been scheduled to fly on the ill-fated Apollo 13 mission, but three days prior to launch, he was held back and replaced by Jack Swigert due to exposure to German measles which Mattingly did not contract.


Mark finds pathfinder, and takes it back to the hab, and recharges it. Wouldn't he have to repair it first?  

Mark inspects the Pathfinder, Mark realizes that the power short fried its electronics, cutting off his one line of communication with NASA.


Does Matt Kowalski survive in Gravity?

Kowalski sacrificed himself to save Stone, but in the end, he achieved his goal of beating Anatoly Solovyev's longest spacewalking record.


What was the outcome of Mary Jackson's petition?

A petition from Jackson requested the city permit her to take the classes in Hampton.


How did blight affect the non-food resources on Earth in Interstellar?

It is also likely the Blight has caused the devastation of other plant life on earth, not simply edible crops,


The first missions to the moon (Apollo's 11 and 12) were broadcast all the time on T.V. Until the accident, Apollo 13 was not televised much. Why?

People didn't care anymore and none of the major networks carried their broadcast. Even mission control in Houston asked them to end it early because there was a baseball game on.


Some astronauts have to grow their own food while in space. What foods do you think they can grow in space? Why did you pick these specific foods?

Produces a two-day shelf life such as fruit and vegetables are refrigerated onboard the spacecraft and consumed quickly to avoid spoilage


Why does Dr Ryan Stone keep spinning when she gets pushed off the Explorer ship?

In order to hold onto him, she's providing a centripetal force. After releasing him, she finally rotates into another part of the station, and works her way to the airlock.


How does Dorothy learn enough to be able to operate the computer?

Programmers communicated with the IBM using a revolutionary programming language


What was killing the crops in Interstellar?

The beginning of the film introduces viewers to the primary antagonist- a blight that is killing off the world's food crops.