Who played Han Solo?
Harrison Ford
Who plays Padme in Star Wars movies 1-3
Nataile Portman
Who directed Star Wars?
George Lucas
This movie is about a house that flys?
This highschool has drama and football?
All American
Who played Forest Gump and Woody?
Tom Hanks
Who was the best actresses in 2019?
Scarlett Johansson.
Who Directed Avatar and the Titanic?
James Cameron
An old disney movie about a girl who loved to read books meets a creature and falls in love?
Beauty and the Beast
The Walking Dead
Which actor won the most awards in 2009?
Parker Wilson
Who plays Rose in the Titanic
Kate Winsleet
Who directed The Nightmare Before Christmas
Tim Burton
These men fight ghouls?
They make jokes at work?
The Office
Who played teddy Rovesvelt in Night of the Muesum?
Robin Williams.
Who plays Wanda in the Advengers?
Elizabeth Olsen
Who directed Jurrasic Park?
Steven Spielberg
The fifth Star Wars Movie?
The Empire Strikes Back
The are learning karate?
Cobra Kai
Who voices Maui in Moana?
Dwayne Johnson.
Who voices Poppy in Trolls?
Anna Kendrick
Who directed Harry Potter?
Mike Newell
A shark?
Its a smart kid?
Young Sheldon