this iconic movie has a ghost as part of its logo
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"you make choices and you don't look back"
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what is Hugh Jackman most well know character in Marvel
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The Pirates of the Caribbean character said "You have stolen me and I'm here to take myself back"
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this franchise was based on a book about the boy who lived
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what is Jhonny Depp's most known Disney character
Who is Jack Sparrow
who said this "I know your probably thinking what with the red suit it's so bad guys can't see me bleed"
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What TV show had this theme song
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what famous rapper stared in the Friday movies
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who plays Daniel Laruso in karate kid and Cobra Kai
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who in the Harry Potter universe said "My philosophy is if you worry you suffer twice
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what tv show does this theme song belongs to
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what movie does this belong to
what is scooby doo's extra point if guess the movie
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who in the Marvel Universe said "If we can't accept limitations we're no better than the bad guys"
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what tv show does this theme song belongs to
what is Corey in the house