Disney Movie Lines
Old Hollywood
Star Wars
Tv Shows

“To infinity, and beyond!”

What is Toy Story


This was the first feature-length animated movie ever released in theater.

What is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs


This invisible power binds the entirety of the galaxy together.

What is The Force?


To show respect to your hosts make sure you say this phrase while crossing your arms over your chest.

What is Wakanda Forever?


A man with "mommy issues" who likes to make sure his guests don't use up all the hot water. 


Who is Norman Bates?


"Not the mama!" Take a trip back in time with this anthropomorphic family which lasted 4 seasons. 

What is Dinosaurs?


“A lie keeps growing and growing until it’s as plain as the nose on your face”

What is Pinocchio


The highest-grossing movie of all time that takes place in Pandora.

What is Avatar?


He was a young soon to be padawan that was responsible for building C-3PO.

Who is Anakin Skywalker


A line spoken by this iconic character in the final battle at Endgame to let Thanos know who he is fighting. 

What is I am Iron Man?


This aspiring writer and recovering alcoholic accepts a position as the off-season caretaker of the isolated historic Overlook Hotel in the Colorado Rockies.


Who is Jack Torrance?


On The Big Bang Theory Penny will be glad to serve you here, but just don't count on getting your order right.....or ever.

What is the Cheesecake Factory?


“Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten”

What is Lilo & Stitch


Famous for playing a housemaid in Gone with the Wind, this actress became the first African American actress or actor ever to be honored with an Oscar.

Who is Hattie McDaniel?


Who is Han Solo's most loyal friend, which is also his first mate?

Who is Chewbacca 


This element that is stronger than steel is used to craft Captain America's shield, and almost all of Wakanda's technology.

What is Vibranium?


A movie that just doesn't know where it fits in between October and December. 


What is The Nightmare Before Christmas?


This TV host on air from 1948-1971 initially refused to book Elvis Presley, but then made his performances even more famous.

Who is Ed Sullivan?


“I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy”

What is Finding Nemo


In 1923 the famous "Hollywoodland" sign used these many light bulbs to make it beam.

What is 4,000.

This decree ensured that there would only be one Dark Lord to embody the dark force, and one apprentice to crave it.  

What is The Rule of Two


Out of 10,000, 32,000, 87,000, 105,000 it's the closest number to how many comics Marvel has released.

What is 32,000?


The title of a movie about a young boy who was adopted after a tragic accident. Only for his adoptive parents to later realize that maybe it wasn't an "accident" after all.

What is The Omen


The year Sesame Street first debuted and showed everyone just how to get there. 

What is 1969?


“Though at times it may feel like the sky is falling around you, never give up, for every day is a new day”

What is Chicken Little


Her given name of Norma Jean Mortenson definitely lacked the glitz and glamour of her personality.

Who is Marilyn Monroe?


The robed creatures seen here in this photo could help you locate "missing" parts from your sand cruiser. 

What are Jawas?


The meeting place where Peggy tells Steve Rogers to meet her for a dance.

What is The Stork Club?


*Shhhhhh* You definitely don't want to sneeze in this movie about a family forced to live in silence while hiding from monsters with ultra-sensitive hearing.

What is A Quiet Place


Earl Chambers owned business that was a direct competitor to Jay Pritchetts Closets & Blinds on ABC's Modern Family.

What is Closets, Closets, Closets, Closets?


“No matter how the wind howls, the mountain cannot bow to it”

What is Mulan


It's one of the only three movies in history have won the “big five” at the Academy Awards (Best Picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Actor and Best Actress).

What is It Happened One Night?

What is One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest?

What is The Silence of the Lambs?


It's the name of this adorable little scamp often mistakenly called Baby Yoda. 

What is Grogu?


Also known as Bucky, and the Winter Soldier; this mane was given to him by the people of Wakanda.

What is the White Wolf?


It wasn't bad piping in this house when blood started oozing from it's walls at a house located at 112 Ocean Avenue in Long Island, NY.

What is the Amityville Horror?


A worm with a mustache.

Who is Tom Sandoval?