Movie Mash-Up
Movie Quotes
5 Roles, One Actor
Directors by Film
___ Of the Dead
Prince and Dustin Hoffman star in this heart-warming tale of an austistic man and his brother bonding on a road trip to Las Vegas.
What is Purple Rain Man? (Purple Rain/Rain Man)
"Blood, Mother... blood!"
What is Psycho?
Tyler Durden, Lt. Aldo Raine, Billy Beane, Benjamin Button, Rusty Ryan
Who is Brad Pitt?
"The Godfather"
Who is Francis Ford Coppola?
1968. A group of people barricaded in a rural Pennsylvania farmhouse. "They're coming to get you, Barbara..."
What is Night of the Living Dead?
J.J. Abrams gives us a film starring Eminem as a rapper who learns about life after he and his friends find a monster in the aftermath of a horrific train wreck.
What is Super 8 Mile? (Super 8/8-Mile)
"You're gonna need a bigger boat."
What is Jaws?
Jack Reacher, Ethan Hunt, Claus Von Stauffenberg, Ray Ferrier, John Anderton
Who is Tom Cruise?
"2001: A Space Odyssey"
Who is Stanley Kubrick?
1978 : Fran, Roger, Peter, and "Flyboy" take refuge in a shopping mall during the ongoing Zombie Apocalypse. "when there's no room left in Hell, the dead will walk the Earth..."
What is Dawn of the Dead?
Angela Basset takes a trip to Jamaica and a ride in a Delorean to 1955 in this Spielberg-produced Robert Zemeckis sci-fi comedy.
What is How Stella got her Groove Back to the Future? (How Stella Got Her Groove Back/Back to the Futuire)
"Wendy... stop swinging the bat."
What is The Shining?
Allan Quartermain, William Forrester, John Patrick Mason, Draco, James Bond
Who is Sean Connery?
"Annie Hall"
Who is Woody Allen?
1985: Tensions rise between soldiers and scientists living in an underground facility, with deadly results. Zombie "Bub" shoots Captain Rhodes after Rhodes kills Doctor "Frankenstein" Logan. "Choke on 'em!"
What is Day of the Dead?
Spencer Tracy battles three days with an enormous fish hooked to his line and wins the Kentucky Derby in this 1958 film.
What is The Old Man and the Seabiscuit? (The Old Man and the Sea/Seabiscuit)
"You and I have unfinished business."
What is Kill Bill (Volume 1 or 2)
Mortimer Brewster, Lt. Commander Matt T. Sherman, Roger Thornhill, Peter Joshua, Sir William Rutland
Who is Cary Grant?
"Chasing Amy"
Who is Kevin Smith?
2005: The only of Romero's "dead" films with an all-star cast. John Leguizamo, Simon Baker, Dennis Hopper, and Asia Argento all have prominent roles and Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright have cameos because Romero reportedly loved "Shaun of the Dead."
What is Land of the Dead?
Rutger Hauer stars in this HBO film about a German SS officer who discovers the hidden truth about the Holocaust in an alternate-history where the Nazi's won World War Two. He's also a mafia Don who will make you an offer you can't refuse.
What is The Godfatherland? (The Godfather/Fatherland)
"Lando's not a system, he's a man."
What is Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back?
Nora Krank, Wanda Gershwitz, Helen Trasker, Laurie Strode, Willa Weston
Who is Jamie Lee Curtis?
"Scott Pilgrim vs. the World"
Who is Edgar Wright?
2009: The last entry in Romero's "Dead" series thus far, the story revolves around feuding patriarchs living on an island who disagree about what should be done with the reanimated corpses: one wants to "put them down" permanently while the other believes they should be kept "alive" in hopes of the discovery of a cure.
What is Survival of the Dead?