This movie follows a young lion, whose name actually means lion in Swahili, whose father is killed by his uncle in order to take the Pride Lands. He is later raised by a warthog and meerkat named Timon and Pumba.
The Lion King
This panda is raised by a goose but eventually learns the way of Kung Fu.
This film series starred Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint. The eight movies followed the chosen one or known as the boy who lived.
Harry Potter
Carl is trying to get to Paradise Falls with his floating house.
Hi I have just met you and I already love you.
Oh please of please will you be my prisoner?
This movie follows a girl who longs to become a human. Despite the warning from her friends Sebastian and Flounder, she makes a deal with the Seawitch to become human.
The Little Mermaid
SomeBODY once told me the world was going to roll me I ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed…was the opening song to this green title character’s swamp home.
This movie series was mostly filmed in Hawaii. The series involves people bringing back dinosaurs. The t-Rex is the most dangerous dinosaur on the island. In the newer movies they create a new dinosaur by combining t-Rex DNA with velociraptor DNA
Jurassic Park
Andy’s coming!!! - Yeehawww - Reach for the sky. - There’s a snake in my boot. - To infinity and beyond!!! - YOU ARE A TOY
Toy Story
The first one specifically but I’ll take any.
First being known as experiment 626, this little blue alien steals a rocket ship and ends up on the island of Hawaii. Here he meets a little Hawaiian girl who adopts him, thinking he was a dog.
Lilo and Stitch
Poppy is a pink Princess of her people. She loves to sing, hug, and scrapbook. Poppy has tall pink hair as big as her body. She is voiced by Anna Kendrick.
This series follows a girl from District 12 who goes to the capital and eventually overthrows it’s dictator leader. Her sister dies in the last movie and she does not end up with her childhood friend.
The Hunger Games
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming.
Finding Nemo or Finding Dory
She not only saved her father‘s life by taking his place in the war, but saves all of China as well. With the help of her lucky cricket and little red dragon, she got down to business to defeat the Huns.
These 4 New York zoo animals end up on an island off the east coast of Africa. A lion, zebra, hippo, and a giraffe become worshiped by a bunch of lemurs. There are also four penguins who are like secret operatives trying to get to Antarctica.
This series follows the friendship and rivalry of Professor Xavier and Magneto. Professor Xavier creed school for meta human children to learn to control their powers. Together they make mini friends and enemies along the way, if you notable friends and enemies they make our Mistique, Wolverine, and Deadpool.
Jack Jack has more powers than all of his family members combined.
This movie goes to the dogs. It follows Pongo and Perdita and their kidnapped puppies. By the end of the movie they have not only found their 15 lost puppies but many, many, more.
101 Dalmatians
Hiccup and Toothless make an unlikely duo on the island of Berk. Hiccup is a Viking who is supposed to kill creatures like Toothless.
How to Train Your Dragon
This movie series follows a girl who wants to be a vampire. Her best friend is a werewolf who does not want her to become a vampire but to stay with him as a human. Eventually she has a half human, half vampire baby and she herself becomes a vampire.
Dante is Miguel’s spirit guide in the land of the dead.
This princess dreams to go see the floating lanterns gleam on her birthday. She is actually the lost Princess from the kingdom of Corona. She has over 70 feet of magical long hair.
This movie is about a prehistoric cave family who are trying to figure out the world as it changes. The title of the movie is the family name. The daughter is voiced by Emma Stone and kind of looks like her with her crazy red hair.
The Croods
This movie series is known for having automobiles that can turn into giant crime fighting robots. A famous automobile from this franchise is a black and yellow car named Bumblebee.
Queen Eleanor gets turned into a bear by her daughter, as well as her 3 sons.
He was raised by gorillas after his family was killed by a leopard. He grows up and later meets a girl from England named Jane. I would say this movie has one of the best Disney soundtracks done completely by Phil Collins.
This movie is about two brothers. The younger brother is a baby who looks like a businessman. The baby wears a suit and talks like an adult. The baby is voiced by Alec Baldwin.
Boss Baby
This series follows a pirate. He becomes friends with Will Turner and Elizabeth Swan. He fights Davy Jones, goes to the end of the world, looks for the fountain of youth, and gets chased by cannibals. He also often loses his ship, the Black Pearl, but always manages to get it back somehow.
Pirates of the Caribbean
Riley just moved to San Francisco and is having a hard time with her emotions, especially joy and sadness.
Inside Out