Rescuers Down Under
Ace Ventura
Garfield Christmas
Home Alone

Where are Miss Bianca and Bernard when we first see them in "The Rescuers Down Under"?

At a restaurant, having an intimate dinner - Bianca (voiced by Eva Gabor) and Bernard (voiced by Bob Newheart) are at an elegant restaurant, sharing an intimate dinner. The surroundings are lovely, with candles and wine and softly falling snow visible through the window. It is all very romantic. But Bernard seems uneasy. At last he nerves himself to ask Bianca a tremendously important question...when he has a mishap!


Which football team had their Mascot stolen?

Miami Dolphins - It was the Miami Dolphins that had their Mascot, Snowflake, stolen. It was stolen to enable the players to play well at the Super Bowl. 


Whom does Grandma miss, especially on Christmas Eve?

Her husband/Grandpa - 


What was Maximus known as to the mob before everyone found out his name?

Spaniard - No one knew what his name was, so he answered Spaniard because he didn't want to reveal his identity.


What were the names of the two burglars?

"Wet Bandits," Harry and Marv - Marv is responsible for the name "Wet Bandits" after always leaving the water running in every house they steal. They later change their name to the "Sticky Bandits" after Marv uses duck tape taped around his hand to steal money from the charity boxes.


When does Cody promise to be home at the beginning of the movie?

Supper - After trying to sneak out of the house unsuccessfully, Cody's mom yells to him "Be home for supper" to which Cody replies "No worries, mom!". Little does Cody know that helping a small field mouse will result in his kidnapping. 


Who was kidnapped in the movie?

Dan Marino - The kidnapper had Dan Marino taken from his commercial shoot. By then Ace had figured out that Ray Finkle hated Dan Marino for messing up his final field goal, and came to the conclusion that Ray was finally going to get his revenge on Dan.


Where did Jon, Garfield and Odie go for Christmas?

To Jon's Parents House - 


What color was the tunic Maximus wore underneath his leather armor when he shouted to the crowd, "Are you not entertained?"



As a punishment for his fight with his older brother, where was Kevin sent to?

Third floor of the house - Poor Kevin, it wasn't even his fault! Kevin's mom sending him up to the attic is the very reason Kevin's family forgot him. This, and the fact that Kevin's parents woke up late for their Christmas vacation flight and had to get a dozen kids ready to go.


Why does Bernard suddenly change what he is going to ask Miss Bianca and say instead, "Would you excuse me for a minute?"

He has dropped the engagement ring - In his nervousness, poor Bernard drops the ring at the very moment he is about to ask Miss Bianca to marry him. He has to go chasing it, and so is not at the table when Francois (voiced by Ed Gilbert) brings an urgent message from the chair mouse of the Rescue Aid Society.


What was Ace Ventura wearing when he was going to be committed to the mental institution?

A Tutu - Ace asked Melissa to commit him to the same mental institution that Ray Finkle was committed to, so he could find any leftover information that could lead Ace to find Ray. Ace had to look and act the part, so he wore a pink tutu, along with combat boots and a polka dot shirt!


What does Garfield find in the barn that makes Grandma happy?

Old letters from Grandpa - 


What 3-word phrase did soldiers say to each other as a sign of respect?

"Strength and Honor" - Maximus and Quintus said this to each other before the battle at the beginning of the film. The soldiers also said this to Maximus as he was riding down the ranks.


What did Kevin's aunt Leslie step on that almost broke her neck?

Micro Machine - If you don't know, Micro Machines were tiny toy cars that were popular back in the 80s and 90s. Kind of like how Hot Wheels are hot right now. Kevin remembers how his Aunt Leslie slipped on his Micro Machines, so he uses them on Marv and Harry when they try to enter the home.


When Bernard and Bianca are sitting in the restaurant, what is the waiter's name?

Francois - The waiter's name is Francois. He gave Bernard and Bianca the call so that they'd be able to accept the mission.



Who did the Miami Dolphins play in the Super Bowl at the end of the movie?

Philadelphia Eagles - We knew the Miami Dolphins were playing against the Philadelphia Eagles, but in the movie, we didn't find out who won. 


What does Grandma do every morning?

100 sit-ups -


Why did Hagen try a bit of Maximus' food?

To see if it was poisoned - Hagen was one of Maximus' best friends and would die if it meant protecting Maximus.


What street does the McCallister family live on?

Lincoln Avenue - Lincoln Blvd is a real street in Winnetka, Illinois. The Home Alone house is a real house located at 671 Lincoln Avenue. But, don't try going there. The home is on private property, and the owners live there.


When the mice in Australia sends the call, how many "stops" does it make before it reaches New York?

7 - The distress call makes seven "stops" before reaching New York: Marshall Islands, Hawaii, Los Angeles, Denver, St. Louis, Chicago, and Washington D.C.


When Ace went to go visit Ray Finkle, Ray wasn't there, but his parents were. How did Ray's father greet Ace, when he knocked at their door?

Pointed a gun to his head through the eye slot - When Ace Ventura went to visit Ray Finkle, of course, he wasn't there because of all the hatred his town had for him for missing the final field goal. His parents still lived there, but due to all the madness towards their son, they needed to take extra precautions. So when Ace knocked at their door, he had a gun pointed at his head.


When the family comments on how much Grandma is eating, what does she say?

"I'm eating for two"


How was Hagen killed?


Shot by multiple arrows - Hagen wanted to protect Maximus and therefore fought against the people trying to kill him. However, he was slain by multiple arrows in his back and front.


What does Kevin watch when he figures out he's home alone?

Angels with Filthy Souls - Even though this is a fictional film within a real movie, a gangster movie called "Angels With Dirty Faces" came out in the 1930s. But, what's even more interesting about the title, is the film's sequel. "Angels With Even Filthier Souls" made its fake debut in Home Alone.