Name all 10 Georgian Family Spirit Values
Politesse, Douceur, Mercy, Honesty, Zeal, Happiness, Inclusiveness, Collaboration, Pastoral Care & Hospitality
I'm not from around here, so I talk a bit funny, I've stood in front of you on many occasions and I can guarantee that I've spoken to (or at) every single one if you...
Chaplain Jess
Who was the UK Prime Minister when you were in 1st Year?
Boris Johnson
Count to 10 in the language you have learnt at the College? (not English)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
What is the best lunch menu item at St George’s?
Finish the Fr Martin quote:
Coming home to _______
I won't be here in September, I have a good working knowledge of CCTV and I am slightly larger now than I was when we started this year
Mrs Johnson
Who won the 2019-2020 Premier League?
Liverpool FC
Sing the 1st 2 lines of the College Hymn?
We stand once more before you our Saviour and our Lord, we are yours in song and purpose, are yours who are adored
1 Person to share what you are most looking forward to about 6th Form/Moving Forward?
Ooo exciting...
What is the phrase written above the entrance to the Main Reception?
Aut Disce Aut Discede
(Learn or Leave)
I am a twin, I have run the London Marathon and I recently sneezed so hard that my top button flew off
Mr McAndrew
Who was number 1 in the UK music charts in your first week in 1st Year (Sept 2019)?
Ed Sheeran ft Stormzy (Take me back to London)
Complete 50 push ups as a group
1 person to share your greatest achievement from your time at St George’s
Wow! That's amazing!!
What date is Founder’s Day?
1st December
I will confiscate your phone! I think I'm the funniest member of staff in the school and I have epic footballing tekkers
Mr Gilligham
When did schools close due to COVID?
20th March 2020
Sing a few lines of your favourite hymn (not the College Hymn)
Beautiful singing!!
1 person to share which member of staff has had the most positive impact on your time at St George’s?
Aww yes, they are lovely!
What was the reason for the fire alarm being set off on the 10th May 2021?
To wish Fr Martin a Happy 70th Birthday
I see you every weekday, I'm very good at counting and I'm probably part of your favourite time of the school day
Karen from Catering
What animated Disney sequel came out in November of 1st Year
Frozen 2
Recite a part of Poem from your GCSE English Anthology?
How have you left your mark on St Georges?
Now go forward and change the world!! (no pressure)