Course offerings are universal for everyone.What is a TRUE statement.
A great way to make a new friend in your class is ...
2-be friendly
3- introduce yourself
4- give them a compliment
5- ask them a question
6-All of the above
7-None of the above
In the cafeteria, I eat:
1-by myself
2-with my homeroom
3-anywhere I want
True or False
Students receiving specialized services through Special Education may sign up for KAP level courses.
What is TRUE.
What are some examples of core subjects?
Math, Science, Social Studies, ELAR, PE
The lesson topics delivered to rising 6th graders before they transition out of elementary.
What is [answers may vary].
An ARD Committee must decide if a student will lose their PE or their Elective option due to service needs.
What is FALSE.
How many periods will a JH student have each day?
Character education lessons from Character Strong are called Purposefull People in Elementary.
Classroom teachers help to present this information in daily morning meetings and it is used as a schoolwide initiative.
What is true!
True or False.
KAP course numbers will be on the Official Circle Sheet.
What is FALSE.
Will there be recess in junior high?
No, but certain buildings offer outdoor lunch options, when the weather is nice.
Classroom Assignments in elementary are separated by Newcomer, Special Education, GT, and otherwise.
What is NO. They are a sprinkle into every classroom and support pushes in to help them.