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The grade level that had 100% students complete MOY first?
What is 2nd grade
The percent of students 2nd-5th who scored proficient(green) at MOY A. 18% B. 27% C.32%
What is B. 27%
What is the number of students who regressed from BOY to MOY in grades 3-5? A. 0 B. 6 C. 13
What is C. 13 students
What class has the highest percentage of students in Green outside of Mr. Bryant's class?
What is Ms. Tyler's 1st grade class. 52% of her class is in the green
The grade that has the most students on grade level (45%=18 students)
What is 4th Grade
The percent of students 2nd-5th who scored Tier 2(yellow) at MOY A. 33% B. 21% C.57%
What is C. 57%
What is the number of students 3-5 that didn't show any growth from BOY to MOY? A. 10 B. 8 C.5
What is B.8
What is our average across the school for progress towards the 1 year growth mark? A. 62% B. 77% C.69%
What is B.77 %
The grade that reduced the number of red students from 28 students to 12 students?
What is 3rd Grade
The percent of students 2nd-5th who scored Tier 3(red) at MOY A. 16% B. 25% C.34%
What is A. 16%
What curriculum will teachers at Ketcham utilize?
What is Eureka
How many classes have made 77% growth this year. Willams, Harris, Topolski, Tyler, Khanu, Toliver, Shaw, Tackie 3rd, Tackie 4th, Bryant, Snell
What is 5 of 11 classes.
The grade level that has the least amount of red students
What is Kindergarten Can anyone tell me why?
What percent increase did we make in students scoring proficient at MOY? A. 10% B. 18% C. 8%
What is B. 18%
True or False. 35% of students projected to score proficient on PARCC scored proficient at MOY?
What is False. Currently we are expected to have 26% of our students proficient on PARCC
Name two accepted Blended Learning options for math at Ketcham
St math, prodigy, gowaggle, zearn
The grade that reduced the number of red students from 12 students to 2 students.
What is 1st grade
How many percent did the percent of students scoring red at MOY decrease? A. 20% B.18% C. 11%
What is A. 20%
The school that works the hardest and deserves to have that work reflected in the data
What Ketcham Elementary School
What class has the best syllabus progression on Stmath?
What is Mr. Tackie's class