What geographic features impacted settlement in Greece?
[¿Qué características geográficas influyeron en la población de Grecia?]
Mountains and waterways (the sea)
Montañas y el mar
What's the phrase again that refers to ideas moving from one place to another?
[¿Cuál es de nuevo la frase que se refiere a las ideas que se mueven de un lugar a otro?]
Cultural Diffusion
difusión cultural
The Roman Empire surrounded this body of water
The Mediterranean Sea
This is the place where the gladiators fought
[Este es el lugar donde los gladiadores lucharon]
This city state was noted for its early form of democracy
[Esta ciudad-estado era conocida por su temprana forma de democracia.]
The Romans used this innovation to connect the Empire and consolidate their power
[Los romanos utilizaron esta innovación para conectar el Imperio y consolidar su poder]
This innovation of Rome ensured that adequate water reached the city
[Esta innovación de Roma garantizaba que llegara agua suficiente a la ciudad]
This Roman innovation helped them construct larger buildings that carried a lot of weight.
[Esta innovación romana les ayudó a construir edificios más grandes que soportaban mucho peso.]
Socrates, Aristotle and Plato were famous Greek what?
[Sócrates, Aristóteles y Platón fueron famosos griegos de qué?]
This Greek leader is known for spreading Greek culture and rule across Europe and parts of Asia
[Este líder griego es conocido por difundir la cultura y el dominio griegos por Europa y parte de Asia.]
Alexander the Great
Alejandro Magno
This term refers to the Golden Age of Rome
[Este término se refiere a la Edad de Oro de Roma]
Pax Romana
What is the role played by gladiators in Roman society?
[¿Qué papel desempeñaban los gladiadores en la sociedad romana?]
This city-state was noted for its warriors
[Esta ciudad-estado destacaba por sus guerreros]
This phrase refers to Greek culture as it spread across the Mediterranean region
[Esta frase se refiere a la cultura griega a medida que se extendía por la región mediterránea]
This leader is associated with the time of Roman Empire stability
[Este líder se asocia con la época de estabilidad del Imperio Romano]
Rome expanded and consolidated its power by taking land from this civilization
[Roma se expandió y consolidó su poder arrebatando tierras a esta civilización]
The Golden Age of Athens is associated with this ruler
[La Edad de Oro de Atenas se asocia a este gobernante]
Name one other culture that Greek culture blended with as it spread across the globe
Egyptian, Persian, Indian
This was the name of the publicly declared laws in Rome
[Este era el nombre de las leyes declaradas públicamente en Roma]
The Twelve Tables
[Las Doce Tablas]
This was the name of the Carthaginian military leader during the Punic Wars
[Este era el nombre del líder militar cartaginés durante las Guerras Púnicas]