Haitian Revolution A
Haitian Revolution B
French Revolution A
French Revolution B
Revolutionary Documents
Haitian Revolution was most revolutionary in human history because it
Was the most successful slave uprising in human history, and first nation established by slaves?
Haitian Revolution was influenced by these ideas from France's revolutoin, called "enlightenment ideas"
What are liberty and equality?
Type of government France is
What is a monarchy, ruled by a King/Queen?
Divine Right of Kings
What is the notion in France that the King's power came not from fear or success, but from GOD?
Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen
What is new French constitution?
Leader of Haitian Revolution, read many books, known as "The Black George Washington"
Who is Toussaint Louveture?
Name of Haiti pre-revolutoin
What is Saint Domingue?
The execution of this French leader by guillotine was peak of French revolution, and most famous execution
What is execution of King Louis XVI?
three groups in French society and their descriptions
What are first estate (rich clergy/priests), second estate (hella rich nobles), and third estate (everyone else -- mostly farmers, with some middle class)
The group left out of the new French constitutions
What is women
Haiti's slaves began their uprising in August of 1791 against their owners, when they _____________
What is burning plantations and attacking owners?
Haiti's main crop
What is sugar
two reasons why Third Estate in France felt disadvantaged and was dissatisfied enough to cause meeting that led to Revolutoin
paying 100% of taxes to pay for unwanted wars, plus a bad harvest season
The Reign of Terror
What is time of French Revolution in which government killed any in society who disagreed with it
The group that was granted freedom as a surprise in one of the French documents we read
Who are slaves, who were freed?
Toussaint proposal to France to not end, but improve, slavery, was to
What is improve conditions for slaves on the plantations?
Four groups in Haiti are white slaveowners, poorer "little" whites, black slaves, and _________, who tried to align themselves with ___
Who are freed blacks, who tried to align with whites?
middle class group in the Third Estate, richer than the Farmers, who had slightly different demands
What is the bourgeoisie?
National Assembly
What is the meeting of the Three Estates to fix France
In the political cartoon we looked at, the rich stood on a rock that said "taxes and labor". Who was lying dead below them?
Who is a farmer?
Haiti fought off these armies, who were upset about France freeing slaves in 1794
What are Spanish and British (though Americans were upset)
The controversial move Toussaint did to his slaveowners
What is saving them from death?
Tennis Court Oath
Goals set at meeting of Third Estate after they had a WALKOUT from the National Assembly meeting
Marie Antoinette
Who is King Louis' wife, who created more anger for revolution because of rich life she lived while country starved
The Haitian Constitution prohibited discrimination based on __________ and appointed _______ as leader for life (both needed for credit)
What is race and Toussaint Louveture?