Where is the show filmed?
What does LSAT stand for?
Law School Admissions Test
Who is the founder of McMaster?
Senator William McMaster
What type of law deals with contracts?
Contract law
What is the lawyers name in the show "Breaking Bad"
Saul - "Better Call Saul"
Who plays Rachel Adams?
Meghan Markle
How many sections are there in the LSAT?
Which buildings bell rings everyday at 2pm every Monday?
McMaster's Divinity College
If the Criminal Code is broken, what type of law is meant to deal with this?
Criminal Law
What school did Elle Woods attend in "Legally Blonde"
Harvard University
Who is Louis Litt's secretary?
What LSAT section is to be removed?
Logic games
Which nature sanctuary is accessible on campus?
Cootes Paradise
What type of law concerns the private relations between private parties?
Civil Law
Who is considered the greatest lawyer of all time?
Abraham Lincoln
What is Mike Ross's Biggest Secret?
He did not go to Harvard Law School
Should you leave questions blank if you don't know the answer?
NO, there is no penalty for wrong answers
Which scientists brain is located in McMaster's science lab?
Albert Einstein
Which category of law is often unwritten?
Common/Case Law
What is Judge Judy's specialty in law?
Family Court/Law
What is the opening line of the theme song?
See the money wanna stay, for your meal
What are three main sections in the LSAT?
Reading comprehension, analytical reasoning, & logical reasoning
What chemical does the nuclear reactor produce?
Iodine-125, used in the treatment of prostate cancer
What category of law focuses on the protection of discoveries, creations, and ideas?
Intellectual Property Law
In Legally Blonde, how did Elle Woods win her court case?
By pointing out that you cannot shower after you have had a perm