Learning for All (Pt.1)
Learning for All (Pt. 2)
Growing Success (Pt. 1)
Growing Success (Pt. 2)
Math Curriculum

Three elements critical to the process that enables all students to learn best. 

What is personalization, precision, and professional learning?


1) universality and equity

2) flexibility and inclusiveness

3) an appropriately designed space

4) simplicity

5) safety

What are the core concepts of UDL?

  1. are fair, transparent, and equitable for all students; 

  2. support all students, including those with special education needs, those who are learning the language of instruction (English or French), and those who are First Nation, Métis, or Inuit;

  3. are carefully planned to relate to the curriculum expectations and learning goals and, as much as possible, to the interests, learning styles and preferences, needs, and experiences of all students;

  4. are communicated clearly to students and parents at the beginning of the school year or course and at other appropriate points throughout the school year or course; 

  5. are ongoing, varied in nature, and administered over a period of time to provide multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate the full range of their learning; 

  6. provide ongoing descriptive feedback that is clear, specific, meaningful, and timely to support improved learning and achievement; 

  7. develop students’ self-assessment skills to enable them to assess their own learning, set specific goals, and plan next steps for their learning.

What are the seven fundamental principles of Growing Success?


Knowledge and Understanding; Thinking; Communication; and Application.

What are the categories of knowledge and skills?

  •  is the primary focus and goal of mathematics in the real world

  • helps students become more confident in their ability to do mathematics

  • allows students to use the knowledge they bring to school and helps them connect mathematics with situations outside the classroom

  •  helps students develop mathematical understanding and gives meaning to skills and concepts in all strands

  • allows students to reason, communicate ideas, make connections, and apply knowledge and skills;

  • offers excellent opportunities for assessing students’ understanding of concepts, ability to solve problems, ability to apply concepts and procedures, and ability to communicate ideas

  • promotes the collaborative sharing of ideas and strategies, and promotes talking about mathematics

  • helps students find enjoyment in mathematics

  • increases opportunities for the use of critical-thinking skills 

What is problem solving?


It embodies principles of UDL and differentiated instruction, offers a systematic method for the early identification of students who are experiencing difficulties, and through ongoing monitoring of their progress, provides the precise level of support those students need.

What is the tiered approach to prevention and intervention?


An information gathering and planning tool that provides a snapshot of the strengths, needs, interests, and readiness to learn of each of the students in a class, as well as strategies, accommodations, and resources to use with each student. It is both a reference tool for planning assessment/instruction and a tracking tool for monitoring changes throughout the year.

What is the class profile?

  • understand the concepts related to lifelong learning, interpersonal relationships (including responsible citizenship), and career planning; 

  • develop learning skills, social skills, a sense of social responsibility, and the ability to formulate and pursue educational and career goals; and

  • apply this learning to their lives and work in the school and the community.

What are the goals of the guidance and career education program?


Include strategies such as sharing learning goals and success criteria, providing feedback in relation to goals, and developing students’ ability to self-assess.

What are assessment for and assessment as learning?

  • problem solving

  • reasoning and proving

  • reflecting

  • selecting tools and computational strategies

  • connecting, representing, and communicating

What are mathematical processes? 


The student may not be capable of solving a particular kind of problem on his or her own but can do so with assistance and is supported to move on to another level of knowledge. 

What is zone of proximal development?


Must be developed for all students who have an IEP, whether or not they have been identified as exceptional by an IPRC and including those identified as exceptional solely on the basis of giftedness. 

What is transition plan?

  • provide a common framework that encompass expectations for all subjects/courses across grades

  • guide the development of high-quality assessment tasks and tools

  • help teachers to plan instruction for learning

  • provide a basis for consistent and meaningful feedback to students in relation to provincial content and performance standards

  • establish categories and criteria with which to assess and evaluate students learning

What is the achievement chart?


Clearly identify what students are expected to know and be able to do, in language that students can readily understand.

What are learning goals?

  • Understand the problem

  • 2. Make a plan

  • 3. Carry out the plan

  • 4. Look back at the solution

What is four-step problem solving model?


1) A safe and non threatening learning environment encourages learning. 

2) Learners must be appropriately challenged. 

3) Learners must be able to make meaning of new ideas and skills through significant association with elements of previous knowledge and experience.

What are three concepts of differentiated approach?


1) a commitment to ensure learning for all students.

2) a culture of collaboration.

3) a focus on results. 

What are the three big ideas guiding PLCs (Professional Learning Communities)?


Teachers assess and evaluate student work with reference to established criteria for four levels of achievement that are standard across the province.

What is criterion-referenced assessment and evaluation?


1) Using tools interactively

2) Interacting in Heterogeneous Groups 

3) Acting Autonomously 

What are OECD's three categories of competency?


Students are provided with opportunities to work towards meeting expectations from two or more subjects within a single unit, lesson, or activity.

What is integrated learning?


For students who require intense support to achieve learning goals, even more precise and personalized assessment and instruction are planned, often with the help of the in-school team and/or other available resources. Monitoring of progress continues. 

What is tier three in the tiered approach?


1) Knowing your students and supporting them in getting to know themselves as learners.

2) Knowing where students are in their learning.

3) Knowing where students need to go in their learning.

4) Knowing how to get students to where they need to go in their learning. 

What are the four key beliefs of learning for all?


Describe in specific terms what successful attainment of the learning goals looks like.

What is success criteria?


Should include:

1) units/concepts/expectations not successfully achieved
2) relevant information related to learning skills and work habits.

What is Credit Recovery Profile?


• Seventy per cent of the grade will be based on evaluations conducted throughout the course. This portion of the grade should reflect the student’s most consistent level of achievement throughout the course, although special consideration should be given to more recent evidence of achievement. 

• Thirty percent of the grade will be based on a final evaluation in the form of an examination, performance, essay, and/or other method of evaluation suitable to the course content and administered towards the end of the course.

What is evaluating Grade 9 and 10 math?