What's the time?
Standard Operating Procedures
Surprise Me

What are the contractual work hours for teachers? 

Pg. 7- Teachers work a 7.75 Hour work day from 8:20 AM- 4:05 PM. 

*There is a 30-minute duty-free lunch


Instructional materials used in the classroom should be aligned with_______



How many grades do I need to post per week?

Teachers will post at least one grade to Power School every week for each student.


How do I know when I should refer a student for inappropriate behavior?

Refer to the HISD student code of conduct and the MPVA campus discipline policy.


When do I send a student to the counselor?

Students should not be sent to the counseling office unless it is an emergency. That is, a student is in an obvious state of stress, crying, despondent, etc. Counselors may be unavailable at the time a student is sent or may be with another student. Friend troubles, grades and parent conflicts can be attended to through the completion of a counselor referral form completed and sent to the appropriate counselor’s office. These are not emergencies.


When do I need to take attendance?

Attendance is taken each period of the school day by the teacher; absences and tardies are recorded in Power School.

ADA Attendance is taken at 9:45 AM. Failure to submit attendance in a timely fashion will be documented in the teacher appraisal system.


Where can I get supplies?

Requests for supplies should be submitted through a Supply Request Form to the Finance Clerk in Office 102.  Supply Requests will be processed on Fridays and and you will be notified via email when your supplies are ready to be picked up.


How long do students have to turn in makeup work?

Students that are absent the day work is assigned will have up to 5 school days from when they return to school to make up the missing work. Teachers maintain the discretion to extend the deadline.


Who handles a Level 1 offense?

The classroom teacher.


How do I connect to a printer?

Type \\ricprodds09\SecurePrint09 into the Windows search field which can be found in the lower left-hand corner of your desktop:

The copier name in your printer list will be “SecurePrint09.”

To retrieve your print job, you must go to any of the four copiers, log in, and fetch the job. It will not print out automatically.

Copy machines are located in 123, 225, T-10, and the Main Office

Students should not use copy machines.


When do lesson plans need to be submitted?

Monday at 8:00am the week of instruction.


What do I need to do for an emergency/unplanned absence?

For emergency/ unplanned absences, a notification of the absence should be sent via email to the school secretary Ms. DeLeon at edeleon6@houstonisd.org and the grade level deans should be copied. Enter the absence into One Source as soon as possible. Go into Aesop and create a vacancy for your position. If you are having trouble logging into Aesop, please send an email to associateteacher@houstonisd.org . This will help us get coverage for your classroom


If a student hasn't turned in work, what do I enter in PowerSchool?

After the 5 day period, teachers will enter the grade as "Missing" (MSG) in Power School.


What should I do if a student is out of dress code?

Send to the Dean's office.


What is homeroom for?

Homeroom is to be utilized as a space for building relationships and community through the circle process and team building activities.

As a Tier 1 Intervention, teachers will provide students with weekly support in addressing Missing/Failing Assignments.


When is the building open?

The doors on the parking lot side of building that lead to the magnet hallway are unlocked by 6:30 AM in the morning. No one should be in the building after 10:00 PM. The building may also be entered through any door with swipe card access (the doors on Wigton, the doors on the library ramp, the doors on the parking lot side of the buildings). Only authorized personnel such as PE teachers, magnet teachers, plant operator, and administrators are permitted to enter the school after school hours. The principal will grant special permission to teachers that require after-hours access. If an alarm access code has been granted to you, this code should not be shared with anyone else. If you have been granted an alarm access code, you are responsible for the entry/exit of all personnel you allow in.


When will we have department/content meetings?

Department / content meetings will be scheduled during the planning period on Grey Days at a time set by each department / content team at a minimum once per week. Teachers are required to attend these meetings during the planning/conference period.


Do I have to let students retake a failed grade?

Teachers will provide all students an opportunity for reassessment for assessments of learning when the grade received indicates that the objectives assessed were not mastered (Below 70.)


Are students allowed to have their cellphones out?

No. All electronic devices must be powered off from 8:30-4.


When can students visit the library?

Students can visit the library any time from 8:15 - 4. During the school day, students need a pass from their teacher to visit the library. All classes are welcome to book time in the library.


What if I want to leave campus during lunch/conference period?

You must sign out and sign back in at the front office any time you leave/return to campus.


What should I do if I want to send communication to the entire staff?

Get approval from the principal. This includes "reply all".


How many grades do I need to input for each cycle?

Teachers may drop grades in each reporting cycle but must maintain a minimum of 8 grades per cycle.


What do I do about tardies?

Maintain a tardy log and input tardies. Prior to referring a student to the dean for tardies, try the following interventions: 

-Have student sign tardy log each time they are tardy

-Conference with student regarding their tardies

-Speak with parent/guardian

4th Offense: Refer to administrator. Include tardy log with referral.


Do I have to respond to parent emails?

Teachers will respond to parent calls or emails within 24-48 hours.