Missing Letter
FiX iT fRiDaY
Figurative Language
Fun Facts

f l _ _ e r



i be hopin' u be havin’ a super fun week day 2-duh-ay. 

I hope that you're having a great day!

(Not the only acceptable answer)


Seth stared out the window, watching the road. Finally the mail truck pulled up, and Seth ran out the door and down to the mailbox. He quickly sorted through the new mail and then frowned.

A. Seth did not get the mail that he was expecting.

B. Seth forgot to mail something.

C. Seth really wanted to talk to the mail carrier.

A. Seth did not get the mail that he was expecting.

Poor Seth....


Clouds were playing in the sky.

A. Personification

B. Hyperbole

C. Alliteration

A. Personification

Personification assigns human qualities and attributes to objects or other non-human things.

Clouds do not literally play in the sky. This is assigning something that humans do, to a non-human object (cloud). This just means that the clouds are moving a lot in the sky.


What is Mr. Almany's favorite sports team?

Notre Dame Fighting Irish


a t h _ _ _ i c



i like to go to the movies it is fun i like popcorn it is good star wars be so great at the movies i like to watch star     wars one time at the     movies i saw star wars and      it was fun so it was    fun to watch star wars at the movies     and the  popcorn was good when i watched star  wars at the movie theater it was the    best     movie ever

I enjoy eating popcorn when I go to the movie theater. Star Wars was my favorite movie that I have seen at the movie theater. 

(Not only acceptable answer)


Becky dashed down the road, pumping her arms and legs as fast as possible. She was worn out, but the cheers of the crowd helped her keep moving forward.

A. Becky prefers to run in the fall instead of the summer. It is just too hot to run in the summer!

B. Becky is running in a race. Go Becky!

C. Becky bought a new pair of running shoes. They look fantastic! Wait until her friends see her new kicks!

B. Becky is running in a race. Go Becky!


She was fishing for compliments.

A. Simile

B. Onomatopoeia

C. Metaphor

C. Metaphor

The woman isn't literally casting a hook to catch compliments out of the ocean. Rather, it's a metaphor used to show that she really likes to be praised.

What is Mr. Almany's favorite food?

Biscuits and gravy


m i c _ _ w _ v e



reggie is a silly nice awesome great person?

Reggie is a very great person. He is also extremely silly!

(Not the only acceptable answer)


Carla screamed as the sled flew down the steep hill. When the sled picked up speed, her heart raced faster and faster. When she finally reached the bottom, she yelled, "Let's go again!"

A. Carla's sled is moving slowly... poor Carla...

B. Carla has never been on a sled before. Super happy for Carla!

C. Carla enjoys sledding, and has probably been sledding before.

C. Carla enjoys sledding, and has probably been sledding before.


Tony the Tiger teaches Tyler how to play tether ball.

A. Idioms

B. Alliteration

C. Metaphor

B. Alliteration

These are tongue twisters! Alliteration often has 3 or more words that start with the same letter or sound in the same sentence.

What is Mr. Almany's favorite vacation spot?

Walt Disney World (Orlando, Florida)


b a _ _ e t b _ _ _



my fav number

My favorite number is 27.

(Not only acceptable answer)


Albert tossed his backpack and sleeping bag in the corner and dropped into a chair.

"How was the camping trip?" Dad asked.

Albert frowned and replied, "My favorite part was the bus ride home!"

A. Albert goes camping every weekend.

B. Albert's favorite vacations are camping trips.

C. Albert did not enjoy the camping trip.

C. Albert did not enjoy the camping trip.


Are you pulling my leg? 

A. Simile

B. Personification

C. Idiom

C. Idiom

These are words or phrases that aren't meant to be taken literally. For example, are you pulling my leg does not literally mean that a person is asking another person if they are pulling their leg. This phrase is used when someone believes something that is not true or is a joke. 


What is Mr. Almany's favorite color?



l _ m _ n _ d _



Mr. Almany is a really funny teacher. He always makes me laugh!

No mistakes. This sentence is perfect!


On Saturday morning, Leo remembered that he was supposed to clean the garage this weekend. "I'll do it tomorrow," he thought.

The next day, he ran out to play, thinking, "I'll clean the garage tonight."

A. Leo likes to clean the garage and the house.

B. Leo often waits to do his jobs around the house.

C. Leo has a lot to do around the house.

B. Leo often waits to do his jobs around the house.


Mr. Almany is as funny as a comedian. 

A. Simile

B. Metaphor

C. Alliteration

A. Simile

a phrase that uses a comparison to describe. You know you've spotted one when you see the words like or as in a comparison.


What is Mr. Almany's favorite ice cream flavor?

Cookies and Cream