Holynn's favorite color
What is green?
Aaron's favorite color
What is blue?
When they first met
What is 2019?
The wedding date
What is May 16th, 2025?
The profession that Holynn is working towards
What is a physical therapist?
The profession that Aaron is working towards
What is ministry?
The location of their first date
What is driving to Sonic and watching the sunset?
The wedding colors
What is shades of pink and navy blue?
Holynn's favorite food
What is pizza rolls or grapes?
Aaron's favorite food
What is alfredo?
The date of Aaron's proposal
What is May 24th, 2024?
Who's going to tear up first
What is Jennifer (Holynn's mother)?
What is the Spongebob Movie?
Aaron's favorite childhood movie
What is Cars?
Their favorite dating activity
What is hiking?
Their First Dance Song
What is "All Your'n"?
Holynn's biggest pet peeve
What is when she's asked where to eat?
Aaron's biggest pet peeve
What is the sound of rain jackets?
What is Asuka?
Flavors of the wedding cake
What is Vanilla and Strawberry?