
What is a noun? 

A word that is a place, person, thing, and/or idea


What is a verb? 

An action or an experience


What is an adjective? 

An adjective describes a noun or a pronoun.


What is a pronoun? 

A pronoun replaces the name of a person, place, thing, or idea in a sentence. 


What is a conjunction? 

A conjunction connect words, phrases or clauses in a sentence.


What are the nouns below? 

I do not have time to play at church.

Nouns: time, church


Where are the verbs in this sentence? 

I wished that the genie would grant me unlimited wishes and not just three. 

1st verb: wished 

2nd verb phrase: would grant


What is an adverb? 

An adverb describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. 


Where are the pronouns in this sentence? 

Godzilla can be an intimidating monster, but he always knows that fighting with them (the other monsters) could save humanity.

Pronouns: He, them


What is a preposition? 

A preposition describes the place, time or direction. 

It is used before a noun or pronoun. 


Does this sentence have singular or plural nouns? 

The dog ran to the park and almost got hit by a truck by the bus top

Plural nouns (dog, park, truck, bus stop) 

What is the verb phrase in the sentence? 

Johnny must have been skating for over three hours and was late. 

Verb phrase: must have been skating


Find the adjective(s) in this sentence: 

The brute force of the Hulk's insane kick sent Loki into a continuous motion through 70 building walls. 

Adjectives: Brute, insane, continuous, 70, building


Find the subjective pronoun(s): 

If you and your classmates are not going to survive this trimester, then everyone, including yourself, needs to step up and help each other.

Subjective pronouns: You, your, everyone, yourself


Find the conjunction(s) in the sentence: 

Because of how detrimental being lazy was, Kenneth decided to train harder and fight with purpose; whereas his opponent was taking his training easy and not really paying any attention to the upcoming fight or his opponent, Kenneth. 

Conjunctions: Because, and, whereas, and, or


What kind of nouns are below? 

Dracula was almost killed by a hunter. 

Dracula = Proper noun

hunter = common noun


Where is the gerund(s) in this sentence? 

Screaming at the top of his lungs, he saw the zombie running towards his little sister. 

Gerund(s): Screaming, running


Find the adverb(s) in this sentence: 

The gun was quickly dismantled by the police officer, yet the robber was able to cunningly escape the crime scene in the horrendously decorated house.

Adverb: Quickly, cunningly, horrendously


Find the objective pronoun(s) in this sentence: 

I tried to save her, but she did not want my help or anyone else's. 

Objective Pronouns: Her, my, anyone


Find the preposition(s) in this sentence: 

In the morning, the bear decided to go on a stroll and find some fish swimming in the lake. While he was hunting, in the middle of the forest, he was approached by eight hungry wolves. 

Prepositions: In, on, in, in, by


Where are the abstract and concrete nouns? 

The gorilla felt love in his heart when it saw baby Tarzan in the abandoned treehouse. 

Concrete: gorilla, heart, baby Tarzan, treehouse 

Abstract: love


Where is the gerund in this sentence? 

While Abby was applying her makeup, Valerie was singing in the other class but suddenly saw a monkey climbing on the window 

Gerund: Climbing 


What are the adjectives and adverbs in this sentence?

If I could find more time to do homework, perhaps my strict parents would give me a reward for continuously studying. 

Adjectives: More, strict 

Adverbs: Continuously 


What is kind of pronouns (subjective/objective) are in this sentence? 

He did everything he could to save her, but she didn't blame him as she let out her very last breath.

Subjective: He, he, she, she

Objective: Her, him, her


Find the prepositional phrase(s) in the sentences: 

Whether Batman liked it or not, the Joker was in the factory ready to kill Robin in the heat of the moment. Before Batman could even arrive, the Joker was on a live broadcast, slowly torturing Robin in his livestream. Robin was found dead in an unknown factory 6 days later. 

Prepositional phrases: In the factory, to kill Robin, in the heat, of the moment, on a live broadcast, in his livestream, in an unknown factory.