Fall of Constantinople
Old World Empires
Notable Figures
Trade routes
New World

Where is Constantinople located?

2X: What is the present (modern) name for this city?

What is Turkey, Instabul?

Which continent were Westerners trying to reach and establish trade with?

What is Asia?


This historic figure is known for his accidental exploration of the New World.

Who is Christopher Columbus?


Why did the Ottoman Muslim Empire want to conquer Constantinople so badly? 

What is Constantinople being the last Christian city in the East?


The trade route that connected Roman Empire to the Chinese Ming Empire

What is the Silk Road?

The location of Columbus' landing.

What is Hisponalia, Greater Antilles, and  (Cuba/Haiti/Dominican Republic)


Why was Constantinople so rich and famous?

What is the center of the Silk Road? What is connecting the East and West?


This Dynasty is known for its construction of the Great Wall of China and Forbidden City 

What is the Ming Dynasty 


This famous pirate and future navy admiral was known for his exploration of Eastern Africa and his sizeable navy. 

Who is Admiral Zheng He?


Name two empires from Asia that were strictly Muslim combining politics and religion.

What is the Ottoman and Safavid Empire?


These Empires were known for their trade in Gold, Salt, and Ivory. 

What are the pre-colonial African Empires?


What nation were Europeans like Columbus trying to reach?

2x: Name the city that they attempted to trade with.

What is India, Calicut?

This worried the emperors of Constantinople despite the impregnable history of the city.

What is an Omen? "The sky will darken and moon will turn red"

Name the precolonial empires of Africa. What is the given nickname to this region of North Africa?

What is the Ghana, Mali, Songhai, and the Gold Coast?


This famous friar is known for his advocacy of Indigenous Natives' rights and accused Columbus' of cruelty towards the people of the New World. 

Who is Bartolome de la Casas?


This famous church in Constantinople was famous for its architecture and the religious artifacts it held.

What is Hagia Sophia?


Luxury goods like silk, porcelain,  and tea all came from this empire.

What is Han/Ming empire?


The name of the tributary system was set up by Spanish conquistadors.

What is the encomienda system? 


This defense feature of Constantinople made the city famous and was the reason behind its impregnable record. Known for its towers and moats.

What are the Theodosian Walls?


Where was the Safavid Empire located, and what was its primary religion?

What is Iran, and what is Shii'a Islam?


This group of Indigenous Natives made first contact with Christopher Columbus in the Greater Antilles islands.

Who are the Taino people?


Name the two major branches of Islam 

Who are the Sunni & Shii'a?


This was the reason why explorers like Vasco de Gama were still trying to find new routes to India, despite Columbus' discovery.

What is Columbus never reaching India?


Name the reasons behind the genocide of the Indigenous Natives of the New World.

What are first contact diseases, slave labor in mines, and tribal warfare?


This emperor of Rome was famous for legalizing Christianity in the Empire.

Who is Constantine I?


How did Ottoman Empire’s growth push Europeans to explore the seas?

What is the Muslims Turks and their allies controlled the Silk Road placing check points with heavy taxes

This Mali emperor was known as the richest man in the world and was personally responsible for devaluing gold (making it less valuable)

Who is Mansa Musa?


How did religion affect tribal warfare in both Africa and the New World?

What is those who didn't convert (assimilate) to Christianity were enslaved?


This was the desert that covered much of North Africa and had a number of trade routes within it. 

What is the Sahara Desert?


Sugar, cacao, tobacco, and indigo all these crops were all grown best in tropical locations. 

What are cash crops?


Who led the Ottoman Turks in the siege of Constantinople, and how did they breach the city's defenses?

2x: What was the name of the elite fighting force that acted as personal bodyguards to the Sultan?

Who is Mehmed II? what are siege cannons?

Who are Janissaries?


Vasco De Gama renamed this geographical landmark during his voyage to India.

What is Cape of Storms to Cape of Good Hope


This royal member of Portugal was personally responsible for pushing his country towards the Age of Discovery and improved navigation and ships for better sailing. 

2x: What were the name of these bigger and faster ships created by the Portuguese?

Who is Prince Henry the Navigator?

What are Caravels?


The religious reason why white Europeans saw themselves as better than Africans.

What is Bible's Old Testament story of HAM'S CURSE


The trade route that connected Europe, Africa, and the New World. 

What is the Columbus Exchange or Transatlantic Trade?

This group of people were the first Europeans to reach America and were often known for their myths at sea. 

Who is Leif Erickson and the Vikings?