Historical Documents
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Fill In The Blank: One purpose of the government is to maintain social _______ & _______.

Law & Order


What is this describing?

  • First attempt at a Social Contract 

  • Provides the basic principle of limited government

BONUS: If you can translate the latin words for it into english you can get 100 extra points.

Magna Carta 

"The Great Charter"


What is the English house of representatives called?

BONUS: What is the US equivalent of this today? Take 1 extra shot if you get this right.


BONUS: Congress/Legislative Branch


Who wrote The Spirit of Laws?

Baron de Montesquieu


Who is this describing?

- Believed people were naturally endowed with rights to life, liberty, and property.

- Believed the ONLY purpose of government was to protect these rights 

John Locke


Fill In The Blank: One purpose of the government is to provide ___________ services.

BONUS: Give me 2 examples of a service provided and you can steal 300 points from another team OR get 2 extra shots.


BONUS: Social Work - Healthcare - Water - Fire Department - Police Department - Transportation - Criminal Justice - Roads - Emergency Medical - Electricity - Parks - Military - Teachers - Housing - Jails


The Magna Carta introduced the idea of fundamental rights (rights which can’t be taken away).

Name 2 of the 6 rights we discussed. 

BONUS: Name the year the Magna Carta was signed for 2 extra shots or steal 200 points from another team.

Trial by jury, due process, protection against unjust punishment, and loss of life, liberty and property

BONUS: 1215


Under the Englis Bill of Rights 

  • The people will not be subjected to _______ and unusual punishments or ______fines and bail.

Cruel; Excessive


Wrote the Two Treatises of Government. 

John Locke


According to Locke, when the government does not live up to protecting rights or people, people have the right to do what?

Break contract with government and replace it. (Revolt/Revolution)


Fill In The Blank: One purpose of the government is

Providing national __________/common ________

BONUS: If you can name the 5 branches associated with this you can steal 1 player OR take 2 extra shots.

Security; Defense 

BONUS: The Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force and Coast Guard 


What is this describing? 

  • Placed clear limits on the absolute monarchy

    • Written by Parliament

    • Signed by King William & Queen Mary

  • Provided for individual protections (with many of the rights found now found in the Constitution)

English Bill of Rights - 1689


(ONE WORD) Under the English Bill of Rights:

  • The monarch cannot suspend laws, raise taxes or maintain an army without __________consent…

  • The monarch cannot interfere with the business of ___________…


What does Habeas Corpus describe? 

The people have the right to a fair and speedy trial.


Locke’s social contract  says that government is created by the _____ and must serve the ______



Name 1 of the 2 methods governments use to exert authority.

BONUS: Name both for 200 extra points OR choose one team to get skipped next turn. 

  • Coercive force

  • Consent of the people


What is this describing?: 

  • Drawn up at end of their voyage

  • Bound one another to establish government

  • Introduced their version of fundamental rights

    • Choose their own leaders

    • Make their own laws

    • Obey their own laws

BONUS: Name the year it was signed to choose a team to get skipped on their next turn or take 2 extra shots.

Mayflower Compact

BONUS: 1620


What document is this describing?

  • Proposed by Henry Lee. Drafted by Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman and Robert Livingston.

  • Approved July 4, 1776

  • Lists grievances (complaints) against the king about his abuse of power

Declaration of Independence


What is this describing? This means that the police must have a warrant to enter our homes. It also means the government cannot take our property, papers, or us, without a valid warrant based on probable cause (good reason). 

The 4th Amendment 


Who proposed a limited government with checks and balances?



Break down any 1 of the 4 stanzas of the Declaration of Independence.

Do 3 of the 4 for to swap 1 player OR take 2 extra shots. Do all 4 and you can steal 1 player.

  • Part One:  The Preamble, an explanation of purpose.

  • Part Two:  An explanation of the political ideas upon which the document was based.  Emphasized “Natural Rights”, such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

  • Part Three:  A list of grievances against King George III.

  • Part Four:  A resolution that “…these United Colonies are…and of right ought to be Free and Independent States.


The Petition of Rights in 1628 put limits on the power of the King and said they must work with the consent of Parliament. 

It also outlined basic rights for individuals. I asked you to at least know 1 of them. Please name 1. 

No tax w/o representation

No imprisonment w/o cause

No housing soldiers

No use of martial law during peace time


Name 2 of the selctions of grievances against King George laid out in the declaration of independence. 

  • For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us.

  • For imposing taxes on us without our consent.

  • He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power.

  • For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world.

  • He has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers the merciless Indian Savages, whose know rule of warfare is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

  • He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burned our towns and destroyed the lives of our people.


There are 3 things the 5th amendment protects us from. Name 1 of the 3.

BONUS: Name all 3 to swap a player OR take 300 points from another team.

  • You may not be tried twice for the same crime (double jeopardy)

  • Defines government’s power of eminent domain

  • You don’t have to testify against yourself in court. (Self-incrimination)


Separation of powers propose splitting up the government into three groups. Name all 3 groups.

BONUS: Who introduced the idea of seperation of powers? Swap 1 player OR take 1 extra shot.

Legislative, Executive,  Judicial 

BONUS: Montesquieu