The creature’s hair is this length and color.
What is long and black?
His early education involves "hands-on" experiences and observation.
Who is the creature?
This close friend of Victor's travels around Europe with him.
Who is Henry Clerval?
At the beginning of the novel, Walton is traveling to this location.
What is the North Pole (otherwise known as the Arctic)?
This is how Victor describes his childhood.
What is happy, content, ideal, etc.?
It’s the first physically painful experience that the creature has.
What is sticking his hand in a fire?
He prefers the writings of ancient chemists and philosophers.
Who is Victor Frankenstein?
She is often referred to as Victor's "pretty present".
Who is Elizabeth Lavenza?
This character is the recipient of Walton's letters.
Who is Walton's sister (Margaret Saville)?
Victor grows up in this country.
What is Switzerland?
The creature accidentally steals this item from Victor's laboratory.
What is Victor's journal?
What is Victor's overcoat?
He's the first victim of the creature.
Who is William?
Walton shares this characteristic with Victor.
What is the desire for fame/fortune/scientific knowledge?
Also acceptable: curiosity or ambition.
The creature learns to read by watching the DeLaceys teach this woman.
Who is Safie?
Once he enters college, Victor doesn't speak with or write to his family and friends for this length of time.
What is three years? (Four is acceptable.)
The death of this character is due largely to Victor's silence.
Who is Justine Moritz?
Walton and the creature have this academic experience in common.
What is being self-educated?
He’s the brother of Victor who is NOT killed by the creature.
Who is Ernest?
He puts his university education on hold in order to nurse his best friend.
Who is Henry Clerval?
Clerval appears in Ingolstadt and meets Victor immediately after this event.
What is the "birth" of the creature?
This is the one thing Victor won't tell Robert Walton.
What is the secret to creating life?