The Man
Where was St. Patrick Born?
St. Patrick's Day is celebrated on this DATE
March 17
Full name of our parish priest
(spell correctly)
Fr. Jon Plavcan
What Sacraments are required prior to seeking Confirmation?
Baptism and Eucharist (First Communion)
What diocese does our parish belong to?
Diocese of Gary
Who ruled his homeland when he was born?
Why is St. Patrick's Day celebrated on this date?
When he died.
Weekend Mass Times
Saturday - 4:00
7:00, 9:00, 11:00
During the Confirmation Retreat, we talked about what category of "gifts"
Gifts of
The Holy Spirit
Who is our bishop?
Bishop Robert McClory
How did he end up in Ireland?
He supposedly drove this animal out of Ireland
Church street address:
638 N. _________ Ave.
What is the date, time, and place for Confirmation?
April 6, 2025 @ 2 p.m.
St. Patrick's Church
What are the three High Schools in our diocese?
Bishop Noll
When did he live?
Mid-5h to Early-6th Century
(400's-500's A.D.)
What did he supposedly use the three leafs of a clover to represent?
Holy Trinity
Names of our two deacons
(first names/nicknames o.k.)
Deacon Gilbert
Deacon Robert
What colors are often associated with what to wear for confirmation?
Who is our Religious Education Secretary?
(my "boss" for Religious Ed.)
Tracy Oliver
Who was Calpurnius?
Patrick's father.
A river is dyed this color in what major U.S. city?
Name of our meeting space/banquet facility.
Trinity Hall
(Chandelier Room)
What is Mr. B.'s confirmation name?
What is the name of the our building in Downtown Chesterton where the Youth Group meets?
Heeg Center