Valentine's Day Hodge Podge
Valentine's Day Trivia
Valentine's Day History
Random Valentines
Valentine's Day Candy

The two most common Valentine's Day colors.

What are Red and Pink?


Long associated with emotion and pleasure, this shape was eventually co-opted as a symbol of romance and medieval courtly love, which later translated into Valentine's Day usage as well.

What is a Heart?


This continent produces the most chocolate worldwide.

What is Africa?


This cuddly item is one of the most common gifts given on Valentine's Day. How cute!

What is a stuffed animal?


These fun candy dispensers have become popular collectibles over the years. I have Batman and Goofy!

What is Pez?


As cliché as it might be, nearly 48% of consumers say this is one of the top gifts they present to their sweetheart. Forrest Gump would certainly agree.

What is a box of chocolates?


According to poet Robert Burns, his "love is like" this colorful Valentine's Day gift, whose color just happens to symbolize love.

What is a red rose?


In Roman mythology, Cupid is this lovely goddess' cherubic son.

Who is Venus?


This golden state produces the bulk of America's red roses.

What is California?


This candy's original name was "Papa Sucker."

What is "Sugar Daddy?"


This is the official bird of Valentine's Day.

What is a dove?


Valentine's Day is the second most popular day of the year for sending cards, with this holiday coming in first.

What is Christmas?


This world religious leader was the first to declare Valentine's Day an official holiday. Ah, cara mia!

Who is the Pope?


This brain chemical, which can also be released by eating chocolate, is known as the "cuddle" or "love hormone"?

What is Oxytocin?


This multi-colored (and flavored) treat was invented in 1912 as a "summer candy" that could withstand melting better than chocolate. Too bad the Titanic didn't have a few more on board!

What are "Life Savers"?


During Victorian times, it was considered bad luck to do this to a Valentine’s Day card.

What is sign it?


Roughly this many roses are sent for Valentine’s Day each year in the US.

What is 50 million?


Letters to Juliet are sent to this city every year around Valentine's Day. Ah, Romeo!

What is Verona, Italy?


The St. Valentine's Day Massacre was orchestrated by this notorious gangster.

Who is Al Capone?


This chocolatier invented the first heart-shaped Valentine's Day candy box - oh, and his eggs are pretty popular around Easter, too.

Who is Richard Cadbury?


Along with Valentine's Day, this holiday results in the highest number of flowers being sold in the U.S. annually.

What is Mother's Day?


According to French history, the first valentine was written by the Duke of Orleans to his wife after the Battle of Agincourt from this seriously unromantic location.

What is jail or prison (or being held in custody by an enemy)?


In the Victorian era, mean-spirited Valentine's Day cards were given this alliterative name: "________ Valentines."

What is "Vinegar"?


The Guinness World Record for the longest marriage ever recorded, between NC couple Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher, lasted this startling number of years. That's true love! 

What is 86 years?


In 2019, production of this Valentine's Day favorite was temporarily suspended when its company went bankrupt. "Crazy 4 U" and "Be Mine" will never be the same.

What are Sweethearts?