This sport is played with two rackets and a birdie.
Which is badminton
This dude never stops moving around the class.
Who is Ibrahim.
This giant lizard has deadly saliva that kills prey very slowly
What is a komodo dragon
This video game has weird outfits
What is Fortnite
This country has a maple leaf on its flag
What is Canada
This sport has eagles, birdies and pars.
What is golf
This girl asks to go to the washroom 17 times a day.
Who is Jem.
This spider kills her mate right after mating.
What is a black widow
This game features a small dude with a moustache
What is Super Mario
This country has stars and stripes on its flag
What is the USA
This sport's famous player is Michael Jordan.
What is basketball
This guy is quiet as a mouse.
Whho is Duke.
This huge snake can grow up to 30 feet in length
What is an anaconda
This round dude eats lots of dots
Who is Pacman
This country is found in Northern Africa and has pyramids
What is Egypt
You can hit a single, double or triple in this sport.
What is baseball.
This girl is a fiery little sparkplug.
Who is Fiorenza.
This cat hunts alone and weighs more than 500 lbs
What is a tiger
This monkey doesn't like Mario
Who is Donkey Kong
This country has a red dot in the middle
What is Japan
You can sit in a penalty box in this sport.
What is hockey
This boy has a best friend named Andrei
Who is Anthony
This huge bird grabs goats off of mountains, then drops them from high up to kill them
What is a golden eagle
This game has people walking around looking for prey
What is among us
This country has lots of mountains and tigers
What is India