Constitutional Scenarios
Governmental Restrictions
Court Procedures
Name The Amendment
Constitutional Knowledge
The local school board in DiPrizioville decided that their test scores would be better if they had school on Saturday morning as well as Monday through Friday. So they adopted that policy even though many were against it. A group of teachers and students gathered at city hall to distribute petitions to be signed, calling for a reversal of this policy. Which Amendment AND right protects the teachers and students?
What is the first amendment/ Petition and/or assembly?
This is another term for the housing of soldiers
What is "quartering"?
Under the 8th Amendment, before the trial "this" cannot be excessive.
What is Bail?
The right to be secure in your own home.
What is the fourth amendment?
Yelling "fire!" in a movie theater or "bomb!" on a plane is defined as this.
What is the inflammatory speech
Ten years ago, Phil was convicted of breaking into someone’s house and taking a stereo and TV. He served his prison term and was released. One Friday night Phil was sitting in his living room watching a ballgame on TV. A police officer knocked at the door and said he was going to arrest Phil again for stealing the same property from 10 years ago. Which amendment AND right protects Phil?
What double Jeopardy/ 5th Amendment
Which amendment declares that "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people"
What is the tenth amendment.
No person shall be subject to cruel or unusual punishment.
What is eighth amendment?
"A well regulated militia"
What is the second amendment?
They are known as the "watchdogs of government" and report information to society.
What is the press?
Shiela's is charged for being a spy from Russia. Shiela refused to testify at her trial. The reason for her refusal was to avoid releasing evidence to the court that would convict her of the alleged crime. However, she is receiving pressure from the prosecution to take the witness stand, and testify against against her will.Which amendment will Shiela use in her refusal to testify?
Amendment 5- Self Incrimination
The Police need one of these before they search your house
What is a warrant?
A suspected criminal has the right to a speedy trial.
What is the sixth amendment?
No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.
What is the fifth amendment?
The amendment AND name of the law that states that the government can use someone's property for public use if they give them "just compensation" for it.
What are 5th Amendment and Eminent Domain
: You are the President of the United States. In an interview with a reporter, the reporter has found out something illegal that you have done in your personal life. The reporter plans to print it in the paper. When you learn of this, you set up a private meeting with the report and demand that he/she NOT print the information. You tell him/her that as President, you WILL find a way to get him/her fired if anything negative is printed about you. Is this Constitutional? Amendment?
What is the first amendment/ Freedom of the Press?
Which amendment states that you have a right to an attorney?
What is the 6th Amendment
While driving out of the Abington Middle School parking lot, Mr. Diprizio and Mr.Campbell get into a car accident. Mr.Campbell argues that he did not cause the accident as he always pays attention when he is driving. Mr. Diprizio argues that despite colliding with Mr.Campbell's car he is not at fault. Which type of trial will settle their dispute?
What is a Civil Trial.
No amendment to the constitution can deny rights to the people of the United States.
What is the ninth amendment?
This is the term for the rules and steps the government must take as it carries out the law
What is Due Process?
A girl broke s school rules at Abington Middle School and got in trouble. Sherry was 20 seconds late for class, and was upset because she was forced to clean the entire gymnasium floor with her tongue. Which Amendment AND right were violated?
What is the 8th Amendment/ Cruel and Unusual Punishment?
A person is found not guilty of armed robbery. The courts decide to try him again. What amendment and specific protection does not allow this?
What is the 5th Amendment? Double Jeopardy
These are the two sides of a criminal trial: (_____vs _____)
Person vs. State
This amendment lists the rights of citizens in Civil Trials.
What is the 7th amendment?
FINAL JEOPARDY QUESTION (Cruel and Unusual Amendment X Search Warrant Amendment) + (Rights of the States Amendment) + (Rights in a Civil Trial Amendment) = What number?
(8x4) + (10) + (7)= 49