Once a year this single sports game is one of the MOST view events in the world
The Superbowl
What is the name of the Dog Mr. Earle?
What is the real name of the character popularly known as “Baby Yoda” in “The Mandalorian”?
This country is in the shape of a boot
Feastables belong to what Popular Youtuber?
What NHL Player is close to breaking Wayne Gretzky's goal record of 894?
who is Alex Ovechkin
What animal is in the school logo?
A Wildcat
In the 2012 movie Avengers who were the six Heros?
When it comes to sports this country is Canada's biggest rival?
This apps logo was a little blue bird!
Who is the only MLB player to ever hit 50 homeruns and have 50 stolen bases in a season?
Shohei Ohtani
Here at Sunny Brea the acronym R.O.C.K.S stands for what?
Respect. Ownership. Communication. Kindness. Safe.
This Disney princess is friends with the ocean
This country is also known as "The Land Down Under"
On this app you can find groups that you can ask questions, share and discuss topics from R/cats to R/Wellthatsucks
What NBA player has scored the most points in their career
Lebron James
what is the best place in the school?
What is the name of the movie that concludes Hugh Jackmen's original Wolverine?
What is Logan
How many continents are there?
bonus 100 if you name them all
7, Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Oceania, and Antarctica
Like TikTok, this app had short from videos
Across the top 4 sports, NHL, NBA, MLB, NFL what city has the most championships?
New York City
What is the School Address?
What is 170 Curry
This Canadian animated TV show was a parody of Survivor, were teenage characters, such as Owen, Duncan, Heather, Gwen and more competed against one another for One Million Dollars!
Total Drama Island
Where is the tallest building?
What company owns Intsagram, facebook and Whatsapp