Roaring 20s

This philosophy was Hoover's main reaction to the Great Depression 

Rugged Individualism - an individual is self-reliant and independent from outside, usually state or government, assistance


When you borrow money from a bank or broker in order to purchase stock

Buying on margin


Many people lost their homes and ended up living in run down shanty towns made of any available materials 



The peaceful chats that were used by FDR to talk about issues/polices/and updates to our country

Fireside chats


Describe the changes that happened to women in this time period 

Women broke free of traditional norms and began exercising new freedoms (19th amendment). Many were rebellious and free spirited also known as Flappers


How many terms did Hoover serve?

1 term


October 29th, 1929.  The day of the "crash"

Black Tuesday 


Why were Hoovervilles called this?

It was a sarcatic term, making fun of the lack of effort and aid president Hoover gave


FDR's three goals of his New Deal. How did each differ

Relief, Recovery, Reform 


Discuss what prohibition was. Why did it start and why did it end?

Though to be a moral project that was to clean up society. Started by the Temperance movement but failed. Organized crime was on the rise and led to bootlegging and speakeasies. The 21st amendment did away with prohibition


WHY did the Bonus Army march to Washington?

To demand an early payment on their cash bonuses which they were promised.  However, they needed cash now during the depression 


Farmers did this due to the necessity of crops during WWI.  It ended up being an issue and hurting prices after the war....even helped lead to the Dust Bowl

Overproduction of crops


The program used by FDR to make sweeping changes to industry, stock market, employment, and many other entities 

The New Deal 


Why did FDR want to increase the number of supreme court justices

To appoint justices that would favor his own agenda and ideas. Continue and expand the New Deal 


How did the lives of African Americans change during the Roaring 20s 

Many moved north during the "Great Migration" and ended up in urban areas. Many found themselves in Harlem which started the Harlem Renaissance. This was a rebirth of African American culture and the start of the jazz age in the US. Many black authors, artists, and musicians became popular during this time. 


Although he did not use them early, this is one of Hoovers most famous public works

The Hoover Dam


This was Herbert Hoover's economic philosophy before the Great Depression. Give an example of how it impacted the Great Depression 

Laissez Faire - Government did not get involved. Money was given to wealthy business owners but not to the workers. Nor was there safety nets in place for bank failures and work shortages 

This event was seen through the novel Grapes of Wrath and forced many Americans to migrate west. What is the event and where did it impact?

The Dust Bowl impacting the Great Plains


The CCC or Civilian Conservation Corps, which gave 250,000 young men work, was an example of this goal of the New Deal?

a relief program in the New Deal 


 How did the Presidents of the 20s view the economy and business? What issues could this lead to?

Let business do what they please. They government should be "hands off" or Laissez Faire. This led to loans being handed out by banks and government NOT regulating business. 


What happened to the Bonus Army and their requests?  For Full credit, how did this impact Hoover?

The government denied their demand, ran them away with the US army and burned down their camps.  Hoover lost a tremendous amount of support by attacking veterans


During this time, unemployment rates skyrocketed.  How did this impact workers AND businesses

Workers obviously lost their jobs and could have lost their homes.  Businesses had to cut back on workers, cut production due to lack of consumption by people


How did FDR and Hoover differ in terms of their response to depression

FDR wanted to use the federal government to aid the people...Hoover believed it was not the federal governments role to give hand outs to the public in need


Two part question 

1) What did FDR try to do with the supreme court?

2) Explain the outcome of this plan?

1) Court Packing

2) was not pass because congress wanted to maintain checks and balance and not set a bad precedent 


How did Roaring 20s presidents compare to Great Depression presidents?

Many presidents during the 20s believed in Laissez faire economics. This meant the government does not get involved. This, along with Rugged Individualism, led to many Americans being upset with the lack of assistance from the federal government. FDR was elected since he promised quick and direct assistance to the depression through the Relief, Recovery, and Reform programs of the New Deal