Spanish Exploration
More Riddles

A form of government in which the people elect leaders and rule by majority

a. democracy

b. communism

c. socialism 

a. democracy


A required service of citizens to act as a member of a jury

a. voting

b. jury duty

c. pay taxes

a. voting


The king and queen of Spain supported Columbus’s expedition because

a. he was a military hero in the Spanish Navy.

b. they hoped he would find a westerly route Asia.

c. they wanted to convert American Indians to Catholicism.

d. the value of spices had fallen Spain.

b. they hoped he would find a westerly route Asia.


Forwards I am heavy, but backwards I am not. What am I?



Which sea creature has three hearts?

a. sea cow

b. whale

c. octopus

c. octopus


Type of government that controls all aspects of society

a. Democratic government

b. Totalitarian government

c. Socialist government

b. Totalitarian government


A government in which government power is unlimited and citizens have few, if any, rights.

a. representative government

b. nonrepresentative government

b. nonrepresentative government


Spain had little interest in Texas after

a. the Apache killed many Spaniards in raids.

b. the Columbian exchange was ended.

c. Queen Isabella died.  

d. several explorers had failed to find gold or other treasure there

d. several explorers had failed to find gold or other treasure there


Mom and dad have four daughters, and each daughter has one brother. How many people are in the family?



How many bones does an adult human have?

a. 205

b. 208

c. 206

c. 206


A government in which citizens meet in popular assembly to discuss issues and vote for leaders

a. direct democracy 

b. limited government

c. unlimited government 

a. direct democracy


A problem of having unlimited human wants in a world of limited resources.

a. scarcity

b. factors of production

a. scarcity


Spanish-Indian relations changed after

a. Mexico City fell to the Apache.

b. Plains Indians began to use horses.

c. the French began trading in New Mexico.

d. most Indians converted to Catholicism.

b. Plains Indians began to use horses.


Why are ghosts bad liars?

Because you can see right through them.


If you have a bowl with six apples and you take away four, how many do you have?

The 4 you took away


A government that has legal limits on its power, usually in the form of a constitution 

a. unlimited government

b. limited government

c. direct democracy 

b. limited government


A businesses that make finished products from raw materials

a. manufacturing industries 

b. wholesale industries

a. manufacturing industries 


American Indians often died of diseases that did not kill Europeans because

a. they had not been previously exposed to those diseases.

b. their diets were not rich in vegetables and minerals.

c. Indian medicine was not as good as Spanish.

d. Indians were not in very good physical condition.

a. they had not been previously exposed to those diseases.


A cowboy rides into town on Monday, stays for three days, then leaves on Monday. How did he do it?

His horse’s name was Monday


Some months have 31 days, others have 30 days, but how many have 28 days?

All the months have 28 days.

All the months have 28 days.


A government in which power is concentrated in the hands of a single leader or small group

a. unlimited government

b. limited government

c. direct democracy

a. unlimited government


A business that focus on growing crops and raising livestock manufacturing 

a. industries businesses

b . agricultural industries

b . agricultural industries


Much of Spanish exploration in the southwest occurred because

a. the desert climate was a lot like parts of Spain.

b. American Indians told them of cities and gold that were a long
way off.

c. conquistadors liked to be on the move.

d. there were so few American Indians in the region.

b. American Indians told them of cities and gold that were a long
way off.


Why did the belt go to jail?

Because it held up a pair of pants.

What type of hair do waves have?
