Morning Routine
Chromebook Use

Before entering the classroom what should you do?

Hang up your bag and wait in line.


Should you walk around the room talking to friends during work periods?

No. Work periods are for work. Recess is for socializing. 

How can I ask to go to the bathroom?

Either raising your hand and asking when called upon or showing a "W" with your fingers to Mr. Cook.


What sites should I go to on my Chromebook?

Google Classroom, TDSB sites, anything Mr. Cook posts on activities and other resources shared. (Not game sites). 


On Friday afternoons, if you are done your work on the LIST, you may play board games. Should you just play something on your own? 

No! Board games should be minimum 2-3 people. The point is to socialize with your classmates. 


Upon entering the room and receiving your card for the day, what should you do?

Get a chair, sit at your assigned table, and look at the board. 


If you need help what should you do first?

Ask a neighbour at your table before asking Mr. Cook.


When should I shout out "I NEED TO GO TO THE BATHROOM!!!!"

NEVER. Always raise your hand or show the W sign to ask. 


Should I charge my Chromebook at home before coming to school?

Yes, while I will have some chargers available please make sure to bring your device to school fully charged.


It is recess time, a classmate asks if they can play with you. What should you say? 

YES! We are an inclusive class. Everyone is welcome to play regardless of what game you are playing. 


When the land acknowledgement and O'Canada come on, what should you do?

Stand quietly. Take off your hat. Keep your hands at your side.


I finished all my work, now do I talk to my friends?

No. If you finish your work you should finish other work, read, draw, or do something on the activities list on Google Classroom (when you get Chromebooks).

When is a good time to go to the bathroom?

Coming back from recess, going to recess, or during work periods (if need be). NOT during a lesson.

Where can I leave my Chromebook when I am not using it?

Put it on the ledge above your binders. Do not leave them on the desk unless asked to. 


A classmate isn't playing by the rules, how can you handle this? 

Talk about how you want to play before playing (whether at recess or during board games). Make sure everyone agrees, and remind a classmate of the rules if they are breaking them. 


It is recess time, what should you do before leaving the classroom?

Tuck in your chair. Put away all of your materials into their respective place. Quietly leave classroom.


What if I don't finish all my work today? When can I finish it?

Any unfinished work will be put on the LIST. Every Friday afternoon you will have time to complete unfinished work. 


What is a reason I may not let you go to the bathroom?

You have already gone in that period. You have asked too many times. It is a fire drill or other type of drill. 


Uh Oh! I forgot my Chromebook at home. What can I do?

I will have some extra Chromebooks, but if not this might result in you having to do your work that day with pencil and paper. 


I had a fight with a classmate at recess. Should I be mad at them for the rest of the day? 

No. It is okay to take some time before talking about what happened, but it is important to have a conversation after so that you can both move on from the incident. 


Before being dismissed for recess what should you do?

Line up outside the classroom. Make space for other classes to walk by. 


Will I have homework? What can I do at home?

For now NO you will not have homework. However, every day after school you SHOULD read for at least 20 minutes. You also can do Prodigy or Knowledgehook for Math. 


Should I vandalize or damage the bathroom?

No. Last year there seemed to be many incidents with washrooms and people misbehaving. Please set a good example for the rest of the school. 


Madame told us we need to bring Chromebooks to French. How should I walk with it?

ALWAYS walk with Chromebooks closed. Never hold them while open or from the screen as this might result in it breaking. 


A classmate and I can't resolve an issue. Who can we go to for help?

Mr. Cook! There are many people you can talk to but I am always happy to sit down and help resolve issues so that we can all move on from it.