Where can parents find weekly information about our class?
The newsletter
Where do you turn in your work?
Your hours corresponding drawer on the colored cart.
What must you bring every day (4 items)
- Laptop (charged)
- binder
- Pencil
- paper
How many group roles are there and what are they?
There are 4 group roles
1: Director
2: Scribe
3: Facilitator
4: Manager
Where can you find the student handbook?
The Agenda or online.
Reading outside of the classroom is not required? True or False?
False, you must complete one book report every quarter.
If you miss an assignment you should just wait for Mr. C to hand you a missing work folder? True/False
If you don't have a pencil what should you do?
ask a group mate or use one of your four pencil punches for the semester to get a pencil from Mr. C.
What does the Director do?
Keep group ON TASK and following directions
Lead the discussion if you get off track
Inventory supplies at the end of the class.
What is the cellphone policy for CMA?
The cellphone must be powered off and put in your locker. If you carry it to class it must be put in the pouch by Mr. C's desk. If it is seen in anyway it will be confiscated and taken to the office. This also includes airpods/other wireless headphones.
What is the E11 Rule?
- Once you enter the classroom you stay in the classroom. That means no stopping to drop off your items, once you arrive in class you have a seat.
If you miss a due date what happens?
I can turn in my work late but It will wait to be graded until Mr. C is done grading other work first.
What happens if you don't use any pencil punches for the semester?
You will receive a prize as well as be placed in a drawing for a bigger prize.
What does the scribe do?
Record notes for your group
Are ID's a part of the dress code?
Yes, students are required to wear ID's around their necks at all times. This is especially important due to crisis situations. If you do not have an identifying ID and a police officer/teacher notices you they might assume you are not a student.
What are the 4 types of assessments in my class?
- Weekly bell work quizzes, 4-5 papers, quarterly book projects, and google classroom/textbook packets
What is the one assignment type that can't be turned in late?
Long term assignments such as book reports and papers have deadlines you are aware of ahead of time. Any assignment turned in after the deadline will not be graded.
Do I need to ask to get up to sharpen my pencil?
NO! Don't stop class to sharpen a pencil, just quietly get up and do it.
Be ready to answer/share aloud for your group.
Fill any silence with discussion.
Ensure everyone gets an opportunity to share in the group.
How many tardies do you get before a consequence? (Detention, lunch detention, after school detention, alternative passing period)?
- 4 tardies = the beginning of consequences.
When is Soar?
Soar is Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3:20-5.
How else will Mr. C receive assignments other than in the basket?
Google classroom
What If I run out of pencil punches?
- you will not receive a prize at the end of the semester and you will have to trade an ID or cellphone for a pencil each day. You will get that back once the pencil has been returned.
Keep an eye on the time management for your group
Make sure your group has all the materials/supplies needed
Are there any policies that Mr. C doesn't enforce in his classroom?
Mr. C enforces all policies unless it is a spirit day or an event where those things are allowed.